Chapter 53 Aftermath

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3rd POV

Endou: "Shōko-san, are you alright?"

Shōko: "I'm perfectly fine, Endou-kun."

Haruna: "I don't believe it..."

Shōko looked over to Haruna and Kidou then smiled at them.

Shōko: "It's been a while hasn't it? Kidou-kun, Haruna-san!"

Haruna: "Yes...!"

Kidou: "It's good to see you in high spirits."

Shōko smiled at them again before looking down in her arms at the sleeping Shirabe.

Endou: "Is Shirabe-"

Miria: "Is Shirabe okay?!"

Shōko turned to Miria. The rest of the team soon came from behind her. Shōko was surprised but she soon smiled towards to them.

Shōko: "She's just fine. She's just sleeping right now from using her Avatar too much."

Miria let out a relieved sigh before turning to Tsurugi with a smile. Everyone on the team looked relieved too.

Shōko: "You... are you Miria-chan?"

Miria: "Eh? Yes, I am..."

Shōko: "I knew it, you're exactly like I thought you'd be."

Miria: "Eh?"

Kinzan: "What's going on here?!"

Chairman Kinzan appeared with Assistant Principal Fuyukai.

Kinzan: "What on earth...!"

Kinzan looked around the field before quickly coming down to Endou and everyone.

Kinzan: "As I expected you are a problem, Endou Mamoru!"

Haruna: ! "With all due respect, we didn't mean for any of this to happen...!"

Shōko stood up with Shirabe in her arms.

Shōko: "Endou-kun. May I ask you to look after Shirabe a while?"

Endou: "...All right."

Shōko carried Shirabe and then dropped her into Endou's arms. Then she started walking up to Chairman Kinzan.

Shōko: "I'll like to apologize, my daughter is the one who caused this."

Kinzan: "Hmph, is that so? Well then... how do you expect to fix all of this?"

Shōko: "I'll gladly pay the expenses for the field if you want, but I ask you forgive my daughter."

Fuyukai: "Who is your daughter?"

Shōko: "She's currently unconscious in Coach Endou-kun's arms."

Shōko stepped back and both Kinzan and Fuyukai saw Shirabe.

Kinzan: ! "Y-You're the mother of S-Saegusa?"

Fuyukai: "T-Then you are..."

Shōko simply smiled at them.

Shōko: "Please, don't think of it this way. I'd be happy to discuss the situation but in a more suitable place."

Kinzan: "O-Of course... shall we go to my office?"

Shōko: "I'd be glad to."

Shōko turned around to everyone.

Shōko: "Kidou-kun, Haruna-san please take care of everyone for me."

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