Chapter 60 New Encounters

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(Just saying out of the Inazuma Eleven Go series, Chrono Stone is my favorite :p)

3rd POV

As Tenma saw a bus appear from the sky out and land on the ground. The doors opened to reveal a teddy bear talking to Fei.

Teddy Bear: "Woop. Fei, are events panning out?"

Fei: "Uh... Things got a little rough."

Wondeba: "As I thought, you won't get for without me, Clark Wonderbot-sama, the greatest coach of all time!"

Tenma: "Eh? Coach? But you're a bear! And a stuffed toy!"

Tenma said and turned to the his teammates behind him. But when Fei snapped his fingers they disappeared.

Fei: "I didn't mention it, but they're a type of Avatar that I create. They're called Dupli and they act as a player stand-ins."

Tenma: "Then... they don't exist?"

Wondeba: "Tenma-kun, don't worry. I've restored your timeline where you first encounter soccer."

Tenma: "I see..."

Fei: "It takes time before a timeline that's been modified becomes fixed. The closer you are to the event after it's been changed, the easier it is to change it back. Oh, and did you get what I asked for?"

Wondeba: "Of course! There's nothing that Wondeba-sama can't do!"

Fei: "Really?! Wow! Show me!"

Wondeba: "No need to rush! But it did almost cost me my life, so you'd better be grateful! Okay! Let's go!"

Tenma: "That's... a dinosaur?!"

Fei: "It's the Tyrannosaurus Rex!"

Wondeba: "C'mon Fei! Mixi-max!"

Fei: "Okay!"

Wondeba pointed the other Mixi Max Gun towards Fei soon the Tyrannosaurus Rex disappeared.

Tenma: "Fei, are you okay?"

Fei: "...Yeah. This is Mixi-max! The Mixi-Max gun combines both my personality and the T-Rex's personality together. That's why I look like this."

Tenma: "I-I see..."

Wondeba: "That's that. Ow!"

Tenma: "Eh?"

Fei and Tenma turned around to see a girl with cerulean-blue eyes and long, straight black hair behind Wondeba.

Fei: "Ah! Ciel!"

Tenma: "Eh?"

Ciel: "Wondeba, don't you mean the both of us risked our lives to get that T-Rex?"

Wondeba: "Ah yeah..."

Ciel: "Don't worry I just flicked you."

Fei: "Ciel!"

Ciel: "I'm back, Fei. Ah and you're Matsukaze Tenma, right?"

Tenma: "Y-Yes!"

Ciel: "Seeing you up close makes me really think we have time-traveled! I'm Yanagi Ciel! Just like Fei, I'm a friend."

Tenma: "Time-travel... eh.. nice to meet you Yanagi-san..."

Ciel: "Ciel is fine, I think I'm actually younger than you."

Tenma: "Really? It's just you look so mature..."

Ciel: "Hehe, I get that a lot."

After Ciel introduced herself the match began again. As expected Fei became stronger with the Mixi-Max and Tenma started getting used to the speed of Protocol Omega. But...

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