Chapter 52 Tears

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Miria POV

After we learned that Shindou couldn't participate in the finals it made the mood in the team down.

I'm sad about Shindou-senpai but what I'm more worried about is...

Kirara: Shirabe? Shirabe! Shirabe! Please talk to me!

"What happen between Kirara-san and Shirabe-chan...?"

Tenma: "I'm heading off!"

"Ah...! I'm heading off too!"

I quickly ran after Tenma. Then when we got to the clubroom...

Miria, Tenma, and Shinsuke: "Good Morning!"

Kurumada: "You three are early."

Miria, Tenma, and Shinsuke: "Yes!"

Then when we heard the door open we turned around behind us.

Miria, Aoi, Tenma, and Shinsuke: "Good Morning!" !

Everyone: !

Tenma: "Coach Endou!"

After we all calmed down, Coach Endou talked to everyone.

Endou: "I'll be joining you all now as we head towards victory."

Tenma: "Then you'll be teaching us soccer again?"

Kidou: "Yes. Endou will be Raimon's coach starting from today. And I'll be supporting you as your trainer again. That's what makes Raimon's best formation, after all."

Everyone: "Please take care of us!"

Endou: "Straight to the point, I've got a proposal for you guys. I heard about Shindou. It's unfortunate. But we can't stop here."

Sangoku: "Yes."

Endou: "So I'd like to designate a new captain in Shindou's place for the finals."

Tenma: "A new captain?"

Endou: "Yeah. The new captain is..."

Coach Endou pointed.

Endou: "Matsukaze Tenma. You're the captain."

Tenma: "Huh? ...Eh? Eh?! M-Me, the captain?" 

Endou: "Actually I met Shindou before I came here. We decided that Tenma would be the captain after we talked it out. Tenma, Shindou personally asked you to take over."

Tenma: "Captain did?"

Tenma started doubting himself and then was soon cheered up by everyone. No one objected to the idea.

Tenma: "All right, I'll be the captain."

Endou: "Good, that's the spirit. Then to the-"

Coach Endou was cut off at the sound of the door opening. We all turned to see who it was.


Kirara looked out of breath and looked around the room.

Kirara: "She isn't here either..." *pant pant*

Kirara then turned around and started leaving.

Kurama: "Hey you can't just come in here and leave!"

Kirara stopped and looked annoyed.

Kirara: "I don't have time for this."

When she started leaving again, I took a deep breath.

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