Chapter 41 Hakuren

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3rd POV

Just as Tsurugi was about to head for the field.

Tsurugi: "Wha- Who?!"

His eyes were covered by a pair of hands. Everyone turned at Tsurugi's sudden yell.

Tsurugi: "What the heck is-"

???: "Hehe... interesting reaction, Tsurugi!"

Tsurugi: ! "That voice..."

The person remove their hands from Tsurugi's eyes and when he turned around to look.

Miria: "Hello!"

Tenma: "Miria!"

Aoi: "Miria-chan!"

Tenma, Shinsuke, and Aoi ran up to Miria and Tsurugi.

Shinsuke: "What are you doing here?"

Aoi: "Didn't you go to America?"

Miria: "Hehe, nope! My mom changed her mind."

Tenma: "Really?!"

Miria: "Mhm. From now on, I'll be coming to school with you all again."

Tenma and Shinsuke looked at each other before crashing onto Miria and hugging her tightly.

Miria: "Wha! H-Hey! That hurts you know!"

Aoi: "But if that's true why didn't you come to see us earlier?"

Miria: "Well, my mom had to make some changes to my application."

Shirabe: "Change?"

Shirabe joined in the conversation.

Miria: "Yeah. Like my name."

Tenma: "Name?"

Miria: "Hehe, I'll be using my real name in school now. Miria Alexandrite. I prefer if you call me by my first name though haha."

Tenma: "Okay!"

Shinsuke and Tenma let go of Miria and everyone started laughing. Miria peeked to side looking at Tsurugi. He smiled at her and she smiled back brightly.

Miria POV

Finally on the day of the match they finished the new tactic. Tsurugi sighed but was smiling.

Tenma: "We did it!"

Shinsuke: "That was amazing, Tsurugi, Tenma!"

Tenma came from behind Tsurugi while Shinsuke came from in front of him and as they were just about to hug him... Tsurugi walked away from them so Tenma and Shinsuke ended up hugging. Then didn't seem to mind though.


Tsurugi came up to me and I handed him a water bottle.

"Good work!"

Tsurugi: "Yeah."

Endou: "Okay guys, it's time to go!"

Everyone: "Yes sir!"

Then everyone got in the caravan.

Hikaru: "My first match... I'm so excited!"

Shinsuke: "Oh yeah! Shouldn't we give the hissatsu tactics a name?"

Aoi: "Now that you mention it..."

Tenma: "Kariya! Got any ideas?"

Kariya: "Me again?"

Tenma: "Yeah."

Kariya: "Hm... It involves the two of you running through, so... R... Run-Run-Running?"

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