Chapter 59 The Ending of the Start

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Shirabe POV

"Come on, hurry!"

???: "Okay, okay! Chill out for a minute!"

I sighed and then turned around to look at Kirara.

"I know today's going to be your first day but you can't be late."

Kirara: *sigh* "I'm not trying to be late..."

"Are you sure?"

Kirara flinched before looking away.

Kirara: "Y-Yeah..."


Kirara: "...Okay! It's not that I'm trying to be late it's just...!"

Kirara paused and I tilted my head.


Kirara: "Just... what if, they don't accept me?"

I was surprised for a moment before I let out a chuckle.

"They will. I know it."

Kirara: ??? "But..."

"Come on, act like a senpai, Kiri-chan."

Kirara: "...Senpai, huh?"

I pulled Kirara's hand and we started to enter Raimon. When we got to the club room I announced us.

"Good Morning!"

Shindou: "Good Morning, Shirabe-san."

Shindou had recently come back and was fully recovered.

Miria: "Good Morning, Shirabe-chan! Oh? Kirara-chan?"

Everyone turned their attention over to us.

Shinsuke: "That's Raimon's uniform...!"

Tenma: "Then...!"

Kirara smiled.

Kirara: "That's right! Starting from today I, Shirogane Kirara will be apart of the Raimon soccer club!"

Everyone: "EH?!"

Tenma: "Really?!"

Shinsuke: "Amazing!!"

Kirara had a smug look on her face as everyone started coming up to her.

And you wouldn't think that she was scared of coming here at first...

Shindou came up to me.

Shindou: "Seems like our club is getting even bigger."

"Mhm. But I'm glad that it is."

The two of us looked at each other and smiled.

Miria POV

"It's been a while since you're visited."

Tsurugi: "Has it?"


Tsurugi was coming with me to visit Mari after school.

"But I can't believe Kirara-chan's going to go to our school now... Not to mention being on our team too!"

Tsurugi: "She's still carefree as usual."

Tsurugi sounded a bit annoyed. I let out a nervous laugh.

"Oh yeah, how's Yuuichi-san doing by the way?"

Tsurugi: "Ah right I didn't tell you yet."

Tsurugi smiled at me and tilted my head.

Tsurugi: "Nii-san's getting the surgery to fix his legs."

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