Chapter 9 Orders

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Shirabe POV

Why did I do that?

"Why did I..."

I look at my hands.

Why did I hold his hands? Was it because he in pain? Or... was it because he looked like...

"...Whatever the reason doesn't matter. I shouldn't do that anymore."

Mirai POV

Aki: "He's late..."

"You mean, Tenma-san?"

Aki: "Hm. It's almost dinner time. He's probably practicing though."

"This late?"

Aki: "He has a match coming up."

"Oh, really? I should go watch it then."

Aki: "That'd be nice. I'll go get him okay?"


Aki-nee left and then I heard the a phone.


I went to my room and realized it was my phone ringing. I answered it.


Mom: "...Sweetie?"


I stood up straight.

"What is it...?"

Mom: "Oh nothing... I was just wondering how you were doing. How's school?"

"... Okay I guess."

Mom: "Was it a bad choice to send you there? I knew it. Is the soccer club bothering you?"

"Eh?! N-No! Not at all! I'm just not making that much friends...."

Mom: "Oh... okay then, you're just shy but you said much. You made some friends then?"

"Hm! I became friends with this girl name Shirabe! Oh and there's Aoi-san, Midori-san, Akane-san, Shinsuke-san, oh and of course Tenma-san!"

Mom: "Wow... more than three for once."

I pouted.


Mom: "Hehe, I'm glad you're doing alright though. It was good idea to leave you Aki as your guardian."

"Yeah... Aki-nee is really nice."

Mom: "...Sweetie."


Mom: "You haven't broken our promise right?"

"... I haven't. I want to stay at this school after all."

Mom: "Good. Well, I'll call you back okay? Love you."

"... Love you too."


I put the phone in my lap. 


I look at my phone. The wallpaper was a picture of Mom, Dad, Mari and I. I touched the picture.


I fell on the bed.

"...I miss you Dad...."

*Next Day*

Aki-nee and Tenma didn't come home till late. Worst of all Tenma came back looking terrible.

*sigh* "Tenma-san you pushed yourself too hard last night."

Tenma: "Come on, it's not too bad!"

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