Chapter 17 Memories...

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Shirabe POV

Today, Kirara and I went to go watch Raimon's match against Mannouzaka.

Kirara: "Mhm~ Mannouzaka has three SEEDs I believe."

"Three huh? I guess Fifth Sector really wants to get rid of Raimon then."

Kirara: "Seems like it, all well! Hm? That girl..."

I look down at the Raimon bench.

"Ah, Mirai's down there again?"

Kirara: "Mirai?"

"Kono Mirai, I made "friends" with her a while ago."

Kirara: "Ah, I see."

Mirai POV

Minamisawa-senpai isn't here... did he quit the club?

Midori: "What's with the heavy atmosphere?"

Aoi: "Will they be able to concentrate on playing?"

Kurumada: "Coach! We're going to follow Fifth Sector's decision. We don't want our chance to play soccer taken from us too."

Kurumada-senpai, Hamano-senpai, Hayami-senpai, Amagi-senpai, Kurama-senpai nodded their heads. Coach Endou looked to Tenma.

Endou: "Tenma, how about you?"

Tenma: "I've thought about it. I thought and thought... And despite it all, I still want to play real soccer!"

I smiled.

Tenma: "But I don't want to play it by myself. It has to be with everyone. I want to play soccer with the rest of Raimon's soccer club! That's why I will fight Fifth Sector!"

Shinsuke: "Me too!"

Shindou-senpai and Sangoku-senpai nodded.

Kirino: "Geez, all right..."

Everyone look to Kirino-senpai.

Kirino: "Shindou, I'll join you."

Shindou: "Kirino..."


I smiled brighter and then looked at Tsurugi. He had his eyes on the five and then he looked to Tenma.

Why...? I can't tell, if Tsurugi is truly our enemy or not.... he saved me. Yet he's doing these things. But I want to believe... that Tsurugi isn't a bad person.

Tsurugi: "Don't forget. Fifth Sector ordered Raimon to lose, 1-0!"

Tenma: "I won't lie to soccer. That's what I've decided."

I looked down.

Are we going to be okay?

Then everyone went on the field. I noticed that Mannouzaka's captain went up to Tsurugi.

Is he a SEED too?

Kakuma: Mannouzaka Jr. High won many goals in their first match by using offensive soccer tactics with their Captain Isozaki in the central role! How will they challenge last year's Nationals runner-up, Raimon?!

I put my hands together.

I'm worried. Something terrible is going to happen.

Aoi: "Mirai-chan?"

"Hm? What is it?"

Aoi: "I was wondering why did you decide to come watch with us today?"

"Ah... I just wanted to I guess? Is that... a bad reason?"

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