Chapter 11 Coach Endou

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Shirabe POV

Everyone ran to Shindou after he made the shot.

Kurama: "Why did you make the shoot?"

Shindou: "He... His ball was urging me to do it."

Kurumada: "Urging you?"

Shindou: "His ball was telling me to face soccer straight-on."

Sangoku: "So that's why you made the shoot?"

"... Face soccer straight-on huh? How stupid."

The crowd was cheering loudly and I backed off into the shadows.

"...I know you're there you don't have to keep hiding."

Kirara: "Aw~ you knew the whole time?"

"Kiri-chan, you're not really that good at hiding yourself."

Kirara: "Eh? That's not true."

"Anyway... why did you come here? I thought you were practicing?"

Kirara: "Hm~ I finished early. I remembered today's Tenma's first match so I thought I would come and see!"

"I see. Well then, shall we return?"

Kirara: "Sure! Hm~ Hm~"

We walked out of the stadium.

Kirara: "Still I can't believe Tenma was able to make Takuto shoot like that! But as expected Eito is really weak! He didn't even use a hissatsu and still couldn't block it!"

"Yes... it's sad really."

Guy: "Hey girls..."

We turned to see a group of boys behind us giving us creepy looks.

Guy: "You want to hang out with us?~"

Kirara: "Ew, Barf."

"We're a little busy sorry."

Guy: "Aw just for a little while~"

The guy tried to grab my arm but...


Kirara: "I'd like it if you don't touch my best friend, thank you."

Guy: "Hehe... playing hard to get huh?"

I sigh.


Kirara: "Come on~ just this once Shirabe!"

"Fine. Don't go over board."

Kirara: "Hm~ I'm not sure about that, but I'll try!"

Kirara stepped in front of the group of guys. She had her scary smile on.

Kirara: "You've got a lot of nerve... trying to touch my best friend like that..."

The temperature drop.

Guy: "W-What's going on? Wh-Why did it so cold all of sudden?"

This is why you shouldn't mess with Kiri-chan.

Kirara: "Come... Zadkiel."

Guys: *Screams* "I-IT'S A-"

Guys: *Screams* "I-IT'S A-"

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