Chapter 69 Different Times

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3rd POV

Shindou and Akane: !

Akane: Thanks...?! Then Saegusa-chan really going to...?!

Shindou: ...Shirabe-san.

Beta: "Then it's settled! If you-"

Shirabe: "But no."

Beta: "...Eh?"

Everyone had their eyes on Shirabe.

Shirabe: "Thanks for the offer but... no. I refuse."

Akane: "Saegusa-chan...!"

Beta: "...Why? We have the same goal..."

Shirabe put her hand on her chest.

Shirabe: "True, we might have the same goal. But..."

Shirabe glared at Beta.

Shirabe: "You've hurt people I care about. And... you also stole something from Kiri-chan and I. It should be obvious we would never join you."

Beta scoffed.

Beta: "Well... that's too bad."

Beta smiled.

Beta: "I hoping to do this the nice way, but it seems you leave me no choice."

Beta threw a sphere device up in the air. Shirabe and Kirara immediately got into a defensive stance. 

Beta: "Hehe, this what you get for being a bad girls."

Sphere Device: "Mind Control-"

Kirara quickly raise her hand up and her eyes glowed. Then suddenly the sphere device started malfunctioning.

Beta: ! "Tch. I forgot, that you're a second-stage child."

Kirara put her hand down and glared at Beta.

Kirara: "Leave while you can, next time won't be so easy."

Beta: "...Hmph."

With that Beta quickly ran with the sphere device into the woods. Kirara let out a sigh and her eyes went back to normal.

Shindou: "...."

Shindou looked to Akane and Okatsu.

Shindou: *whisper* "Okatsu-san, Yamana-san let's head back."

Akane: *whisper* "Eh? But Shin-sama..."

Shindou: *whisper* "Let's explain what plan you thought of to the others."

Shindou look to Okatsu.

Shindou: *whisper* "I'll explain everything later, Okatsu-san."

Okatsu nodded before the three left.

Kirara POV

Shirabe: "...Are they gone?"

I nodded.

"How rude... eavesdropping on us. Did you say no because they were there?"

Shirabe: "No. I meant every word. But..."

Shirabe turned to me.

Shirabe: "When did you learn to do that?"

I looked at my hand.

"...I, don't know myself. It's like... I've done before or remember something about it...."

Shirabe: "Hm... well anyway, it'll be awkward now with them."

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