the finals- part 2

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I wipe a new fresh tear off my cheek and turn around with a determined look on my face and stare at McGill, a fearful look plastered on my face. He didn't show it. But I knew that he was scared. I skates over to the bench with all my other team mates and we started talking strategy.
"Look, look" said my dad quieting the rest of the players. "we gotta play smart hockey. Duck hockey, alright. We got the power play. We got em, where it hurts the most." Then pointed upwards. "Up there."
We all cheered.
"Fulton. Your in!"
"Coach. They'll rush him"
"Right, Jesse give Fulton enough time. Alright! Let's go!"
We all cheered and stepped out onto the ice, into our positions.
I only had one thing on my mind. Winning.
And when I won. I would rub it in Larson and McGill's face, while they go cry to their mothers. The game started and Fulton got the puck. We raced around trying to knock over the hawks players and trying to give Fulton as much time as we could. Then Fulton shot. It was like it was in slow motion. We watched as all the players jumped, like literally jumped, out of the way and then it hit the goalie who got sent into the goal with the puck. We all cheered as loudly as we could.
"Yas Fulton!!!!" I screamed and hugged him. We all cheered for him. The next game they seemed to be covering Fulton alot. Good. That means somebody else can shoot it. The puck soared everywhere. From me to someone else then some else. Then hawks scored again.
"It's ok" I said as I patted Goldberg on the shoulder. Him apologizing. We went back to the bench feeling defeated.
"Guys, guys, guys, listen up!" My dad says, we all stare at him waiting for his encouraging speech.
"We have got to stay fire out there, we have got to stay focused alright. It ain't over until it's over. Tammy, Tommy, let's show these hawks some really different. Come here" he bent down and started showing us the game plan. Once we got it in our heads we went on the ice. I handed  the puck to Tommy and then Tammy started spinning really fast and the hawks backed away slowly not wanting to get hit by her.
"Now!" Tommy shouted and Tammy stoped spinning and then Tommy passed the puck to her and she scored.
"Whoo!" I screamed.  Suddenly Fulton went over to one of the hawks players and tipped him over the rail and they started fighting.
"Out!" Said the referee and escorted Fulton back to us.
"Sorry coach" Fulton said.
"He barely touched him" my dad shouted at the referee. For the next games I had to sit out because I was in nearly all the games at first, and apparently I need to rest. So I watched as the puck went from us to hawks and back to us again.
"Oreo line!" I hear my dad yell but I'm to involved in the game to care.

"Lets get a line change!" My dad yelled and I see what is called the 'oreo line' going out onto the ice. And players coming back in. I see them playing with puck and then dad shouts
"Flying V!" They get into a v shape and start making their way to the goal. 
"Come on!" We all scream as they keep making their way toward the goal. And then he shoots, he scores! We cheer and jump. Now we were tied with the hawks. Last goal would decide who wins and who loses.
Last round now. The hawks get the puck and shoot it but Goldberg saves it.
"Yes Goldberg!" I shout.
Then charlie gets it and starts skating toward the goal with everyone chasing him. Suddenly he's tripped by a hawks player and he falls. The referee sees what happens and thankfully does something about it. He comes up to my dad and says,
"Coach, penalty shot, anyone can take it." Then he skates away. Dad turns to us.
"Alright ducks, who's gonna take it"
"I think he should take it" Connie says meaning 'her boyfriend'
"Yeah" everyone agrees.
"What about Charlie?" My dad questions"
"No not charlieee"
" I think he should make the shot" I say.
"Let's let him finish what he started" my dad says.
"Come on coach. We have a chance to win." Goldberg says.
"Damn straight we do. C'mere" he pulls Charlie aside.
We all look at each other in confusion while dad and Charlie talk a bit more. They all get on the ice while we sit here and watch. I see Charlie and my dad nod to each other.
Then I see Charlie spinning around the puck. Oh no! He's doing a triple deke! Even I can't do that and I've been doing hockey all my life! He spins and then he started carrying the puck to the goal. It was all in slow motion then, a mirical happened. He scores!! We cheer and hugg him. Then I remembered. Adam! I put on warm clothes and rollerblades in the locker room and skate to the hospital. I have to see Adam.

Ok so 1 more chapter after this one and then you'll all be leaving meeee😭😭 nooooo. I'm going to miss all of you!! Hope U had a really great time reading it! And I want to say that if u have any ideas as to what I should do In the last chapter like what happens and everything, so please let me know in the comments.
Love you all.


Adam banks X reader. // the mighty ducks.Where stories live. Discover now