games to the playoffs

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Y/ns POV
We played 2 more games the other days. As I'm paying I keep hearing the commencer saying banks alot. I blush a little.
"Their new star player, banks, now has the puck!"
"Banks moving right Infront. Stops. He shoots! He scores!" We all cheer as he scores another goal, the only person not cheering was Jesse. He was stubborn, I'll give him that. We get the puck again and Adam trips another player as he tried to steal the puck.
"Adam!" I yell and I see him smirk a bit then pass it to me and I shoot it in the gaol. Then I'm on the bench and the next round of players goes on. Adam comes and sits next to me and says, still smirking,
"You called me Adam"
"That is your name"
He rolled his eyes and said,
"No, I mean, you've never alled me Adam, it was always banks." He actually smiling now. It made my heart melt.
"Well, I guess I'm warning up to you." I nudge him and he laughs and grabs my hand, which sent butterflies in my stomach. Then someone shot a goal and we started cheering again. We won that game and then it was time for the next one.
I shot about 2 goals and the rest I handed the puck to other teammates. We all started posting coke on eachother. That night we went to celebrate our win to the finals. We went bowling. As we walked in I headed over and got a creaming soda.
"Hey" I turn around to see Adam.
"Hey Adam" I say smiling.
"I'm gonna have to get used to that" he said laughing awkwardly.
"Yeah, well," I say.
"Anyway, I wanted to give you something." He says. He grabs my hand and leads me to his bag that he bought.  He let go of my hand and went looking through it. He then pulled out two posters. One with Mike Modano, and one with balis crae. He hands them to me and I see both their signitures.
"Omg! Is this what you were doing?" He nods. "How did you get this?"
"Well, I had to make deal before I could get it, well with Mike Modano, basil just gave it to me."
"Thank you Adam!" I said and hugged him, then kissed him on the cheek. Dammit, I am falling for him. 
"It was nothing." He said.
"So you were listening when I said that this would be the best present, to Larson" I say, and I see him go red. He nodded.
"I was just bored," he shrugged and i shook my head.
"You are one of a kind Adam banks" I say smiling.
"As are you, y/n Bombay" he says and then kissed my cheek. I chuckled, and leaned in and whispered,
"You missed" he looked at me in confusion.
"I said, you missed." And still he didn't get it. I roll my eyes,
"Here let me help you understand" I lean in and kiss him softly on the lips. I feel him smile and then I pull away.
"Oh. I guess I did." He laughs.
"I guess I'll just have to fix my mistake again." He leans in and kisses me again, but a little deeper. Then we hear cheering. We pull away to see all the ducks cheering. I shake my head and the rest of the night was the best. Not to mention Adam kept on staring at me the whole night.

Adam banks X reader. // the mighty ducks.Where stories live. Discover now