first ducks game.

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I skate out on the ice and get thrown a ball.
"What the?" Then I hear dad say,
"Everytime you get the puck, you're the quarterback. Make eye contact with the receiver! Talk to him! Let him know it's coming. Come on guys! This isn't a library! Talk to each other!"
U skate over and pass it to Terry. Then I get the football thrown to me by Tammy.
I see dad go over to Fulton and I see them nodding. He grabs the crate of pucks and tips it out.
"Okay, Fulton, shoot your heart out." Fulton grabbed one and shot it as fast and as hard as he could. He kept on repeating it, and dam he had a hard hit. I feel sorry for the other team. He then hit at a window and it broke. I saw the other team watching in horror. We went over to the bench and dad said,
"All right let's forget the past."
"Alright" we all said.
"We lost a few games, tough, but that was district 5, now we're the ducks."
"And the ducks are undefeated. Quack, quack quack quack quack" we all started joining in and soon it was really loud.
"All right" we all went out on the ice. I grabbed the puck and shot it to Jesse. But then the other team grabbed the puck and accidentally lost control of it and it went to the side.
"Dig it outta there! Dig it outta there! Let's go let's go!" Charlie hit it out and Terry came and grabbed it. He then sailed it to me and I passed it to Connie. We played like that for a while. I shot a gaol once. Karp was trying to get the defence but got hit in the head. We all went over to him. He had don't in his helmet.
"Karp, are you alright."
The boys got his helmet off of him, and then dad came over.
"Karp, how many fingers am I holding up?"
"He wouldn't know that anyway" Peter said.
"Shut up Peter" I said.
"The karpster! Used his head to stop the puck! Mr kap-alani!" I gave Averman a glare and he stopped.
"Let's get him off the ice" we lifted him and carried him to the bench.
"Get him to the bench Charlie" dad said while Charlie struggled to drag him to the bench.
"Okay ducks, we still gotta chance here, Connie, Terry, jesse, guy, y/n time for the secret weapon. Okay Fulton, remember what we talked about."
Everyone started cheering for Fulton. I look over at the other teams goalie and he looked terrified. Good, that's what we want.
I saw him mouth something. I smirked and he looked at me and started shaking his head like begging me. I shrugged and stepped out onto the ice. We got into our positions. Connie passed the puck to me and I passed it to Fulton. As soon as he was about to shoot all the guys on the other team moved out of the way. I smirked and got the puck and passed it to Connie, and then she passed it to Jesse and then to Terry who got it in the goal. We all started cheering. I went over and side hugged everyone.

Adam banks X reader. // the mighty ducks.Where stories live. Discover now