cheating doesn't always work

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The next day I woke up in my bed. Dad must have carried me to it. We only have a few days till the next game. No doubt in those next few days, we will be practicing falls. I get up, get ready, and start walking to a nice shop that I found yesterday in the newspaper. I'm about to walk in when I see banks and his 2 friends roller skating into an alleyway. What are they doing? I decide to follow them. I run into the alleyway that they went into. When I get there I see them circling my team.
"Yeah that'll make a great bathroom reading" I hear banks say.
"So, what have I missed out on?" I say walking to them. The three boys stop and I walk over to my team.
"Oh nothing pretty lady. We're just having a boy talk" says the tallest one. And was the only one with brown hair. He then reached out and grabbed the magazine from a guy that I don't know the name of yet.
"Hey that's mine!" He said.
"You wouldn't even know what to do with it wuss breath" he spat back.
I then see peter lean in and say to the kid,
"You Gunna let him call you wuss breath?" And then suddenly the kid went into full rage. He ran at the three boys but they pushed into bags of garbage. They all start laughing at him, including banks. I gave him a death glare and when he looked at me he stopped laughing immediately.
"Anyone else?" Said the shortest one. And then suddenly two of them were lifted up and thrown into the garbage bags and took banks down with them. We all burst out laughing.
"Come one, let's get out of here!" Banks said and they skated quickly out of the alleyway.
"Thanks," I said to the guy that threw them.
"Yeah thanks man!" Peter said.
He just grunted in reply and walked away.

The next day at practice, we all had to practice falls. As I'm going at it with Peter, I hear someone fall. I look over to Averman and Charlie and saw that Averman was on the ground.
"Come on! Act hurt!"
"I am hurt" he grunted in reply. I snorted and then Peter tripped me.
"Argh!" I said as my ankle twisted a bit as I went down.
"Sorry," he said and helped me up. Although to everyone else he was really short, I was only about an inch taller than him.
"Thanks" I said and winced as I put pressure on my ankle.
"You alright?" He asked me. I nodded in return and skated over to the line that everyone was forming. I stood straight as Peter stood on my right and Averman on my left.
"Good, good, now say it! Take the fall, act hurt! Stay indigent!"
We all repeated after him.
"Good, your ready" he said nodding.

Chapter 3 doneeee
Hope you enjoyed 😁😁


Adam banks X reader. // the mighty ducks.Where stories live. Discover now