Hospital hoTtiEs

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As I go into the hospital I skate to the receptionist.
"Hi, I'm here for Adam banks please"
"Room 205" she said and I skates there. When I got there I knocked and then went in. There were doctors and Adam was in the bed, his neck brace off with his dad in a chair next to the bed. They looked like they were having a very important conversation.
"Um, I'll come back later" I say, but then one of the doctors say,
"Oh no, it's okay, we need to talk to Mr banks' out side anyway. If you'll excuse us" they all went out leaving me and Adam alone.
"Did we win?" He said faintly.
"Yeah, we won" he smiled and I sat down on the chair that his dad was sitting on.
"Are you okay?" I said sadly. It scared me to see him in a hospital bed, but he just said,
"I'm fine. The doctors said after they talk to my dad then I'm free to go." I smiled relieved that he wasn't seriously injured.
"I need to tell you something" he said. I looked into his eyes.
"Okay" I say.
"I love you. Like I really, really love you. I always have ever since I saw you at that first game. I thought you were the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." I felt a tear slip down my cheek. He reached over and wiped it off.
He grabbed my cheek and brang my face closer to his and kissed me. The kiss lasted longer than any we've ever had before. Soon we pulled away and I said,
"I love you to. Like I really, really love you" and then he laughed and the doctors came back in with his dad.
"Alright Adam. Your all set to go."  He stood up and grabbed his jackett and grabbed my hand we both walked out next to his dad. He told his dad that we were going to go to the ice rink. We got there and put on our skating gear then skates out onto the ice. This is where it all started. In this very ice rink. We just decided to sit on the ice and talk. We talked about alot of things that night. Especially how we were the hospital hotties. Well he was. After about an hour we went to Adams house. It was very neat and tidy. His mum had the fireplace going so it was really warm. We sat in front of the fire in silence. Until Adam said,
"I really do love you." I looked at him and gave him a small kiss on the cheek.
"As do I." I said and smiled. He smiled back and said,
"Come on" he then led me up to his room and I saw that his wallpapers were blue, he had posters of hockey players and lots of photos. I looked at one photo and it was one that I recognised instantly. It had the whole hawks team on it and I was in the front middle, right next to Larson. This was taken when I spent the training session with the hawks. I looked at every other picture. I was in most of them and then one caught my eye.
"Hey, whose this?" I ask Adam. He comes over and hugs me from behind while looking at the photo.
"Thats my cousin." He said.
"She's beautiful" I say in awe.
"Not as beautiful as you." He said and kissed my neck. I smiled and then we decided to watch a movie. We decided on F/M (favourite movie) we spent the rest of the afternoon watching it and just spending time with each other. I loved this but soon it would have to end. Cause I still haven't told him about the offer my dad got.

Hey, so this is actually the second last chapter. I'm going to post the last one soon. So I saw in the comments that somebody said something about them confessing their love for each other. So I did that. I really hope ya'll like this. But keep writing in the comments like how do U break the news that your dad is leaving and is taking U with him. Cause I don't know how to break it to him. So please help me out guys. But with that. I'm going to figure out how to write the next chapter.

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