training with the hawks

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I wake up overcome with excitement. I get up quickly and get ready. By the time Im ready and have all my stuff. I have thirty minutes till practice starts. I start running there and by the time I get there, I still have ten minutes till practice starts. I see coach Riley up in the box. I go up to him and say,
"Hey coach!"
"Hey y/n! Ready for a practice with the famous Hawks?"
"As I'll ever be" I say.
"Look, I don't want you to come out until I say so. I haven't told anyone your Gunna be here, alright?"
"Okay, I'll get ready in the bathrooms." He nodded and left.
I walked over to the bathrooms and get ready. As soon, as ten minutes passed I go out and watch the Hawks from afar. They were outstanding. Way better than I was by a long shot. Then I heard coach Riley rounding up the Hawks.
"Hawks, I have invited a different player to train with the hawks. This is a very good player. So I want you to treat her like a hawk as she might become one soon. You can come out!"
I start walking to the ice and start skating on it. Surprisingly my ankle didn't hurt. It must have healed overnight. I smile as I make my way over to the team. There were chorus' of wows and dam! I pretend not to hear as I stop next to coach Riley.
"Team, this is Y/n Bombay"
There were chorus' of
"Bombay?" And I nodded.
"Ok come on! Let's see what you can do! Banks, Larson, gills, and Chuck against, Bombay, and the rest" we all take our spots, I was in the middle with banks.
Coach Riley puts the puck in the middle of us and then blows the whistle. I quickly grab the puck and pass it to a guy on my right. I skate in front of him and yell out ,
"Over here!" He sails it to me and I grab it and make my way down to the goal. I shoot and score!

"Good job Bombay!" Says a really cute guy.
"Thanks," I say and flash him a sweet smile which makes him blush.
"Bombay! Your even better on a winning team!" Says a different guy. Then I notice him from the alleyway. The tall one. The one who done the most talking.
"You know I would have loved to see you play, but I guess you weren't good enough to get the puck." I say sweetly. Then I hear sniggers and he shot them glares. The rest of practice we played against each other. And practiced some techniques. By the end of the practice I realised it was 5pm. Holy shoot! Well it's worth it! I have improved so much over this time. I went to the bathroom and changed into my warm clothes, and roller blades. I start skating out when I hear my name being called out.
"Y/n Bombay!" I look around to see coach Riley.
"I talked to the board members, and they said that they can change the lines,"
"Oh that's not good"
"They won't change it till next year.
"Ok, so I'll just have to wait till next year" he nodded.
"Thanks coach!" I skate home and get there in 20 minutes. I grab some pasta and start watching my favourite movie again. Then I went to bed.

Adam banks X reader. // the mighty ducks.Where stories live. Discover now