meeting the team

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I sit on my bed scrolling through Instagram. Looks like the Hawks have won once again. It would be just great to be the team. My dad, Gordan Bombay was one of their best players, wait was their best player. But he never told me why he quit. I get off my bed and start getting ready for practise. Once I've got all my stuff I run all the way to the hockey stadium. I get there with 20 minutes until practice starts. I put on my skates, and grab a puck and my hockey stick. I go out to the ice and start shooting goals. My shots are always spot on. I've never missed a shot. I'm not trying to sound stuck up, but I'm most definitely the best hockey player on my team. Suddenly I hear coach say,
"Y/n! You've got a call from your dad!" I skate over and grab my phone.
"Thanks, hey dad, what's up?"
"Look, I've got community service, and we have to move to pee wee."
"Wait! Does that mean I can be a hawk!" I say excitedly.
"I don't really know, but can you please come home and pack."
"Yeah sure dad!" I quickly take off my skates, put on my sneakers and run home.
Once I get in the house to see dad's suitcases by the door so I run up the stairs and start packing.

Time skip to when they are in their new house.

I run into the house and quickly run to the biggest room. After I found out that I couldn't join Hawks dad said that I could pick my room first.
"Dad! I've found my room!"
"Ok!" He walked into the room with my bags.
"Now, get dressed into your hockey gear and get your hockey stick." He said.
"Ok!" After I get ready we get into a limousine. When we get to the ice pond, I see a group of people.
"This is the hockey team?" My dad said as he scoffed.
"Dad!" By now the kids had seen the limo and have started making their way toward it.
"You just stay here until I tap on the window. K?" I nod and he gets out. I sit there until I hear a knock on the window. I get out and immediately feel the wind flowing through my hair.
"Hey" I say.
"All right, get out on the ice. Let me see what you can do" Dad says.
All the kids started making their way to the middle. Except one kid came up to us more, and said,
"Uh, just so you know, we really suck"
"Hey, I'll decide who sucks around here"
We watch them all try to get the puck but fail and trip over each other.
"They really suck"
"Dad! Thats rude to say!" I say back to him only to get an eye roll in return.
"Ugh, I'm going back in the limo" I say and open the door and crawl into the limo and lay on the seats.
"You alright there miss?" Says the driver.
"Yeah, it's just that this team can't even get the puck, how am I supposed to play on this team? I should have been put in Hawks." I sigh and roll over. A few minutes later dad comes in and dials a number on the phone. I don't really have any interest for his lawyer conversations so I zone out but soon feel the limo shaking.
"What the hell?" I say looking around, and then they started coming in the limozine
"Nope, I'm out!" I say as I cawl out.
"I'll see you at home" I say and slam the door shut.
I walk to an ice cream shop and get a mint choc chip ice cream sundae. When I'm finished my sundae I see that it's getting dark so I start walking home. When I got home I got into bed, we've got a game tommorow. And it seems like I'm going to have to be the one that does all the work.

I hope you liked this. I tried hard. I was Gunna make y/n bump into Adam in the ice cream shop, but I'm Gunna make their first encounter at the game.

Have a nice day😁

Adam banks X reader. // the mighty ducks.Where stories live. Discover now