getting our parents together.

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That night after the game, I spent the night at Charlie's. Dad and Charlie set the table and cooked. While I read a book. Then I heard my name being called.
"What about you y/n?"
"Wanna come to the winter festival tonight"
I look over at Charlie who was slightly shaking his head and i got the hint.
"Um, I should finish my homework"
"You and my mum should go, by yourselves!" Charlie said quickly. Then Casey walked through the door.
"Smells good! Oh, hello"
Charlie leaned in and muttered something.
Once the two parents were gone, Charlie and I got out two pairs of binoculars and spied on them.
"Anything?" I asked as I took a break a while ago.
"No. Anyway, your turn, I want to finish my homework."
"Fine" I went over to the window and saw them leaning in. And then kiss.
"Charlie! They did it! They did it!" I screamed.
"Yes! Finally!" We started laughing and thought that maybe we should get to sleep since we had a game tommorow.

Adam banks X reader. // the mighty ducks.Where stories live. Discover now