quacking at the principle.

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The next day I go to school and go to science.
"Thats right the red is oxegin. Now what are the blue balls. Tommy?"
"That's correct! And together they make up most of the things in your body. Do you know what that is?"
"Uh no" then there was a knock on the door.
"Thats the principle." He says something else, but U don't hear. He goes to the door and kapr turns around to Charlie.
"So how'd the forfeit go spazway?"
"Yeah, did you score?" Peter but in.
"Leave me alone guys. I don't want to talk about the team right now."
"Oh, coaches pet!"
"Yeah everyone knows he likes you best."
"Likes his mum you mean"
Charlie then got up and pushed his desk.
"Take that back Karp!" Connie then got up and split them up,
"Leave him alone, Karp."
I got up and said.
"Guys stop!"
Peter then turned to me.
"Oh just because your the coaches daughter doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. Yeah, why don't I tell everyone about you and the Hawks."
"Why you little" I said and pushed him. The whole class started yelling at each other and pushing. Then the Principle and the teacher came in.
"My atoms!" The teacher said.
"You! Sit!" She yelled. Everyone tried to find their desks and chairs. I grabbed my desk and chair and sat down. Everyone was giggling.
"Never in my life what have you got to say for yourselves?"
"Quack, quack, quack quack!" She looked at all of us in horror.
"Detention!" We all were led to the detention room.
"Now I want you to write, I will not quack at the principle." With that she left.
We started writing it on different boards. About an hour passed until dad walked in.
"What do you want?" Karp said.
"I want to talk to you guys."
"People! God!"
"People. right. Sit down please, all of you." No body moved.
"Okay don't sit down. Look. Whats done is done. I wanna be your coach again."
"You wanna coach a bunch of losers" Averman said.
"No, I wanna coach the ducks"
"Want about the things you said? You said we didn't deserve to live."
"I was being sarcastic Karp. Do you know what that means?"
"Noooo" Karp said sarcastically.
"Ok you do, I didn't mean those things the way they sounded. You guys know what it's like to be misunderstood, right?"
"Of course, we're kids"
"So. CAn you forgive me? Can I be your coach again?"
"What about banks?" Guy said.
"He can be in the Team if he wants. He should have been with us all year. It's you guys who were cheated. But let's forget all that crap! We're a team right?"
"I made you guys, and I'm stuck with ya." He looked to Charlie.
"So what's it gonna be? We can play tommorow night and still have a shot at the play-offs, or we can forfeit again and the seasons over. What do you say, Peter?"
"Well, I guess it would help if we practice first."
"Alright, let me see if I can get you out of detention."
"Yes!" We all fist bumped.
"Take that!"
"You really quacked at the principal?"
"Are we ducks or what?"

Adam banks X reader. // the mighty ducks.Where stories live. Discover now