holding hands at a game.

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Y/ns POV
that night, we all sat in our seats. I was in between Adam and Fulton. We were all Cheering, and I was sharing popcorn with banks. We accidentally knocked the popcorn bucket on the ground.
"I'll get it!" We both said at the same time, and then knocked heads.
"Shoot, sorry!" I said.
"No, it's all right."

Banks POV
I kept on looking at Mike. At the second period he found me, and saw that I was sitting next to y/n. He nodded and I rolled my eyes.
Fine! I mentally screamed at him. I am going to be needing alot of courage for this. I look over at y/n to see her smiling at the ice. I pluck up the courage and reach over and grab her hand. It was even better than when she wore mittens. She looked over at me and smiled. I squeezed her hand and she squeezed back.
I then hear a whistle, I look over and see Larson, and McGill. They were both making guns at me. I sink in my chair.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Y/n asks.
"Look to your left" I mumbled. She looks over and I see Larson pale as their eyes meet, but y/n just looks away like they were strangers.
"You ok?" I ask.
"I'll be fine" she says with a sigh and leans on my shoulder. I sigh and put my cheek on top of her head. When the game was over we all had to go home.
I said goodbye to everyone and started walking home. Tommorow we had a game against the hornets, and we are going to win.

Adam banks X reader. // the mighty ducks.Where stories live. Discover now