meeting Mike midano, and getting closer.

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Y/ns POV
I woke up the next morning on a couch that I didn't recognise.
"Morning sleeping beauty" I look up to see Charlie with a plate of pancakes.
"How did I get here?" I ask.
"Adam carried you here" I blushed thinking of being in Adams arms, or on his back.
"Oh" Is all I manage.
"Don't worry about coach. Mum called him up last night, said that you were here" I nod and look at the pancakes. I was quite hungry. Charlie must have seen what I was looking at cause he put the plate in front of me and said,
"Eat up. Coach says he's taking us somewhere" I quickly eat and Charlie gets ready. I wait till he's done. Dad said he would pick us up at Charlie's house, and bring my hockey stuff with him. I look out the window and see dad's black van. I tell Charlie that he's here and we both run out and hop in the car. Along the way we picked up the rest of the team. We stopped at the rink where a big game was going to held at tonight.
"What are we doing here?" I asked.
"Just come on!" We all got out and followed him into the rink. We saw all the players from the most famous team in the world. Then I saw him. I nudged banks and said,
"Look, its Mike Modano!" I point to him.
"Can you believe it?" Someone says.
"This is to cool!"
"I can't believe it!" Jesse says amazed.
"This place is humungous" I hear banks say. I turn to him and smile. And then when he sees me, smiles back.
Then I hear the coach saying,
"Let's take some showers here. Come on!" I move next to Charlie and stare in amazement at the hockey players.
Then I see Mike midano, and Balis say to my dad,
"Hey Gordo. Gordan Bombay right?" He shakes my dad's hand.
"You remember me?"
"Sure, from pee wees" I was basically screaming in excitement.
"This guy used to rule in pee wees"
"Oh yeah? I heard you became a farmer."
"Actually, I became a lawyer. But I'm coaching pee wee now, and this is my team, the ducks." The pointed to me.
"And this is my daughter, y/n. Even better than I was." I smile in achievement.
"Oh yeah? Might become a big shot like us" I smirk.
"Ducks, this is basil crae and Mike midano."
"No duh"
"Hey ducks, listen to this guy. He knows what he's talking about. If you ever want a shot, let me know. I'll get you a tryout in the minor league clubs." We all started at him amazement. I move back to banks and stand next to him.
"thanks" dad says and they shake hands again.
"No problem. Hey, nice seeing ya"
"Take it easy alright"
I feel banks nudge me and say,
"I'll be back." He runs after the two hockey players while I stare at him in confusion.
"Alright let's have some fun!"
"Yeah!" Everyone says and we move onto the Ice. Maybe Adam just needed to go to the bathroom?

Adams POV
I run after Mike Modano and Balis crae.
"Wait!" I say. They stop and turn.
"Oh hey, your part of the ducks, aren't ya?"
"Yeah, can I please have both of your autographs?" I say holding up two posters of both of them and a pen.
"Yeah sure, who wouldn't like to have their favourite players signiture?"
"Actually, it's for a girl"
"Oh, now I get it" Mike says and signs the other paper.
"Y/n Bombay?" I nod.
"Is it really that obvious?"
"No, until you say something. But the way that she went straight back to you after seeing us, I think she likes you to"
"Yeah right" I say and scoff.
"Just do us one favour"
"Anything" i say.
"Make a move today, hold her hand or something" I nod.
"Good, now I'll be watching the audience. Now go over to her" they both laugh as I run off, stuffing the signitures in my bag.
I see y/n on the ice and drop my stuff, and skate over to her.
"Where'd you go?"
"Somewhere" I say with a smirk that she returned. We spent that whole afternoon skating and having fun. Once y/n slipped and tried to steady herself by grabbing me, but ended up pulling me down. So the position we were in was, I was on top of her. We stared in each other's eyes for a moment until everyone started piling up on top of us. So I got pushed even more on her. We were both a blushing mess, but couldn't stop laughing. Y/n managed to crawl out and drag me with her.
That afternoon was fun, and one of the best afternoons I've ever had in my life.

Adam banks X reader. // the mighty ducks.Where stories live. Discover now