the ice cream shop.

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Since the game was tommorow, we had a day off. So I went to go get ice cream. as I'm skating I hear my name being called. I turn and see that cute guy from Hawks team. He was with banks.
"Hey Bombay" the boy said.
"Hey, I really don't know your name yet" I say in a sweet voice.
"I'm Larson. Alex Larson." He says. Then it clicked.
"Weren't you with banks and McGill in the alleyway?"
"Yeah, sorry bout that"
"Oh well, we all make mistakes right?" I say looking at banks.
"Um, is there like history between. You two or something?" Larson says.
"Oh god no." I say.
"No, there's nothing" banks says.
"Ok, um, so y/n wanna get some ice cream With us?"
"I was actually going there now."
"Oh good, we were too. I mean I already said that didn't I?" I nod and laugh.
"Your cute when your flustered." He goes bright red and I laugh even more. This is fun. We walk to the ice cream shop talking about hockey.
"So, who's your favourite hockey player?" I ask him.
"Can I say you?"
I respond with a giggle and say,
"A really good hockey player" he was about to retort when I said,
"A legend. A famous one"
"Well, it's probably, either basil McCrae or Mike Modano"
"Really! I love those two!"
I look over at banks and see that he's left out, I feel kinda bad, I mean yeah I dislike him. But I don't hate him.
"Hey banks! Who's your favourite?" He looked startled that I asked him a question. Let alone talked to him.
"Ugh, Mike midano for sure!" He said.
"Wow, I guess everyone loves him eh?" Larson said.
"Mhm" I said, and grabbed Larson's hand. I saw his face go red but payed no attention to it. Once we got to the ice cream shop, we went in and ordered. Banks and I got a mint choc chip sundae, while Larson got a chocolate sundae. While we waited I looked out the window. Then I saw it. It looked like a black jacket. Peter's black jacket to be in fact. Was he spying on me?
"Y/n? Y/n?"
"Huh?" I say and turn around.
"What are you looking at?" Larson says.
"Oh, I thought I saw someone." I say. Then our sundaes were brought to us. I ate mine while laughing at Larsons jokes. He was cute when he laughed. Then suddenly I get a text from my phone. I look at it to see a message from my dad,
Meet at the mall. In the courtyard. And bring your roller blades, we're going to teach Fulton how to skate!
"Who's Fulton?" I said under my breath.
"Sorry?" Larson said.
"I've got to go, my dad wants me to teach someone how to skate at the mall. Bye" I leaned over and kissed Larson on the cheek and then climb over him, and putting a piece of paper in his poklcket with my number on it, and then skate out. I looked over my shoulder to see him holding the cheek where I kissed him.
"Dude, stop being wierd" banks said.
"Your just jealous that you didn't get a kiss on the cheek from her" he snapped back. I rolled my eyes and skated to the mall. Boys will be boys.

When u get to the malls courtyard, I see the whole team there.
"Hey, what's this about?"
"We got a new player, Fulton, but he doesn't know how to skate. So we are going on a skating trip around the mall" Charlie said.
"Sorry if you were interrupted." Peter said bitterly.
"What are you talking about?"
"You know exactly what I'm talking about!" He snapped. So that was him that I saw outside the ice cream shop.
"We will talk about this in private" I said. He just scoffed but I knew that he was agreeing.

Adam banks X reader. // the mighty ducks.Where stories live. Discover now