the first game. and first encounter

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I get up and have breakfast and do my morning routine. The game doesn't start till 10am but since I'm the coaches daughter, I have to be there the same time as the coach. We hop in the car and get to the stadium. I walk in with my duffle bag. I go into the changing rooms and get into my uniform and everything else. I then walk out and start taking some practise shots.
"Your pretty good for a district 5" I look behind me to see a boy with a Hawks uniform on.
"Why aren't you a hawk. Ive been watching your shots this whole time, and you haven't missed once."
"Have I got an admirer?" I said. He skates over to me and takes off his glove then sticks his hand for me to shake.
"Adam banks"
"Y/n Bombay"
"Wait, as in your dad's Gordan Bombay? The old Hawks Bombay?" He said wide eyed.
"Yeah, that's why I wanted to be a hawk but I couldn't so now I'm a pee wee." I shrug.
"Oh anyway I've got to go it was great to meet you" he said and skates away. That was weird. I skate over to the stands and just sit. Later on everyone was finally here. By now I was sitting in our box. It was now time to play, I made my way out on the ice behind three guys.
"Whats this? The oreo line?" I fought the urge to laugh. Then the game started. One of the Hawks guys threw the stick out of Connies hand. I looked around to see banks with the puck. I skate over to him and steal the puck back and start skate with it.
"Looks like Bombay jr, is in fact a little Bombay jr. She keeps skating with the puck with most of the Hawks players on her tail, including banks" I smirk. But I know that if I don't pass it to someone, Hawks would get the puck, then it's game over. I look over and see someone.
"Charlie!" I yell and pass it to him. Thankfully, he gets it and starts skating to the goal.
"Yes! Go Charlie!" I hear my dad say.
"Please get this, please get this" I say under my breath.
He lifts up the stick ready to hit but then misses, and trips landing into the wall. But when he tries to stand up but then banks comes over and knocks him even more into the wall. What an arse!
I skate over to banks and say to him,
"Why did you do that?! You could see that he wasn't gonna get the puck so why?"
"Cause it's my job," he said and smirked.
"You know what! I thought you were different! I thought you were a good guy, but no, you just make everything worse." I scoffed and skated away, it was my turn for the bench. Oh well, this game isn't Gunna be much fun. When the game was over I heard the coach for the Hawks saying a whole lot of stuff about how this was an easy game. And then he started talking to banks.
"Good job out there banks, you broke a new Hawks record." He said and ruffled banks hair. To think that was perfect before the game. Before he got covered in sweat. He thanked the coach and looked over at me. We locked eyes for a few seconds before I looked away. I couldn't be falling for him. He's an arse. I look at my father's face and I know he's Gunna Burst so I stand up and start walking to the changing rooms. I finish getting dressed and grab my stuff and leave. As I'm walking I start to get cold. I can't believe I didn't bring a Jacket! Ugh! I start shivering. And start running home.
When I get home I put on my favourite movie and fall asleep during it.

Chapter 2 doneeeeee.
So, now you hate Adam but you are also falling for him! Hope you liked it😁😁

Have a nice day.


Adam banks X reader. // the mighty ducks.Where stories live. Discover now