Till next season

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing and Adams head on my shoulder. I reached for my phone still not comprehending who the name Conway on it and answered.
"Y/n/n I need you to come to my house right now!"
"Whose house?"
"Are you dumb? My house!"
"Oh yeah! Your house!" I said still not understanding.
"Charlie Conways house." He responded like he read my mind. I could hear him sigh as I chuckled.
"I knew that. I'll be there soon." I then hang up and start putting my shoes on.
I was about to go to the bathroom when I heard groans from the couch,
"Where'd you go?" Adam said confusion laced in his voice.
"Over here." He turned his head and smiled once his eyes landed on mine. "I've got to go. Charlie needs me for something." He nodded and stood up folding the blanket we were using. I quickly go the bathroom and then hug Adam tightly as I leave. As I'm running toward Charlie's I get a message from dad.
"Meet me at Charlie's." I roll my eyes, 'like I wasn't already doing that'
I arrive at the Conway's and sit down on the couch exhausted from all the running. That might be my workout for the break.
"Hey y/n/n." I hear Charlie say as he sits next to me.
"Hey Conway." I say breathless with my eyes closed.
"Did you run here?" He asks and I nod. "Jeez I didn't need you that quickly, you could've walked." I rolled my eyes,
"Well you didn't really give a time I had to be here, all I got from you was 'I need you to come to my house right now!'" He chuckles and leans back as we see my dad run into the house breathless.
"Seriously you ran too?" Charlie asks dumbfounded, not believing that his hockey coach just ran.
"Only into the house, you said I needed to be quick." Dad says and I scoff.
"Jeez you are really unfit." We all chuckled and then Charlie got serious.
"So, y/n, mum and I have decided that we want you to stay here while coach leaves to play in the big leagues." My eyes widened,
"Yeah only if your okay with that." I nodded, smiling widely and hugged him.
"Yeah I'm like mega okay with it." He laughed and my dad groaned.
"I ran all the way here for that." We all chuckled and my dad sat down next to us still out of breath.
"I wonder how your gonna do when you have to skate everyday."

(Time skip)
We all lined up to say goodbye to dad. I saw all the boys giving him fist bumps and handshakes until he got to me and Adam,
"Cake eater." Adam said with a smirk and dad laughed. He then pulled me into a hug and told me how much he loved me and I told him how much I was going to miss him.
"Now go say bye to your girl." I said pushing him towards Charlie's mum.
She smiled and I turned around, knowing they were gonna act all cheesy and I saw the boys making smooching noises and acting like they were making out and we all laughed again. Once everyone was done with their goodbyes we all waved goodbye to my dad as he got on the bus.
"I'll see you all next season."
We all nodded and the bus took off with all of us cheering behind it. I looked to Adam and smiled as he pulled me into a hug, glad that I was still here.
"Yeah yeah I would've missed you too." I said and we both laughed.
I couldn't wait for next season.

I know it's been a while but here's the last chapter for you all, I'm sorry it took so long to write but I was under a lot of stress with soccer and school, so yeah I hope you all enjoy and I might write a second book but I need ideas so if you want to write some in the comments that would be appreciative but if I don't well then I guess this is goodbye, but I'll update on this story if I do decide to write a second book.
Anyways bye guys.

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