round 2

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Ugh today's the game and my ankle still hasn't fully healed. It felt a little better, I can stand in it, but it hurts alot when I skate. I get up and get ready with my duffle bag. I walk to the stadium an get on my stuff in the locker room. I wait there for about two minutes when Peter walks in.
"Hey" I say.
"Hey, how's your ankle?"
"It's just great!" I say with a pained smile.
"I don't think you should play this game."
"Of course I can, hockey is my life!" I say.
"But your hurt"
"Please just don't play."
"Ugh, fine!"
"Ok good." He says satisfied and starts getting on his stuff, and then when the rest of the team came, it was game time. I go over to the bench and over to dad.
"So, am I going first?"
"No I want you to go second, ok?" I nod. I know I'm going back on my word to Peter but I love hockey, and I would play with broken limb if it came to that.
When the game starts, I see the other team with the puck, and then they shoot it at Goldberg, and he fake falls. I shake my head. He didn't fall right.
"Ref! Did you see what he did to me?!" He yelled at the referee. They all came back over here and dad said,
"Goldberg, you don't fall when they shoot at you"
"Well maybe you should have been a bit more specific. I take the fall on the ice-" and with that he walked up to the box muttering something.
"District 5, cut the acting class!" The ref says.
"What! I'm insulted by that!" Dad says.
"Come on Y/n your up" dad said. I suck in a big breath, while ignoring Peter's glares. I step out on the ice and start skating. I instantly feel the pain in my ankle. I hear someone skate next to me and see Peter.
"You told me that you weren't Gunna play,"
"Oh, well I must have forgotten about that," I say through clenched teeth.
He just shakes his head and skates to his spot. The referee put the puck between me and a boy from the other team.
"Your going down little girl" he said.
"Sure" I say rolling my eyes.
Then I hear the whistle and get the puck. I pass it to Terry and he passed it to Charlie. Come on Charlie. Please get it this time. He skates with the puck and without thinking I skate after him. Suddenly two guys push him and they start trying to get the puck. I skate in there trying to get the puck aswell but we all end up falling into eachother.
"Y/n! Charlie!" We skate over to dad and he leans in.
"Alright, those guys are two times the size of you guys, three times maybe for y/n. Next time they get you both like that, Charlie, I want to you cup your eye like you've been cut, and then smack your hand on the ice, and y/n, I want you to hold your stomach like they hit you in there." Me and Charlie look at each other with disgust.
"Good, now go out there" we skate over and try to get the puck again, with my ankle hurting like hell, Charlie and I start skating to the goal faster.
"Charlie!" I pass it to him and then we both get pushed up to wall again. Ouch, one of them hit my ankle.
"Thats it Charlie, y/n!" And then I nodded at Charlie and he kicked the puck out from under them and Terry grabbed it. But at the end of the game we still lost.
In the locker room dad storms in and yells,
"Y/n! Charlie! What the hell is the matter with you, when I tell you to do something you do it! You hear me? Look at me!"
"You can't make me cheat" Charlie said.
"What about you y/n? I expected so much better from you."
"Exactly, I am good at hockey, I don't need to cheat my way to finals!" Then suddenly Terry and Jesse's dad walked in and said,
"Is this what I quit my second job for? To see my kids taking falls?" And with that him and his two kids were gone. I got dressed into some warm clothes and put my rollerskates on and left. I skate down the streets, not watching where I'm going and accidentally collide with someone.
"Oh I'm sorry. I'm just having a bad day, and wasn't looking where I was going"
"That's quite alright young lady. Just watch where your going next time." I nod and get up and look at the person that I collided with. It was the one and only, coach Riley.
"Omg! Your coach Riley! From the Hawks!"
"Yes I am? And who are you"
I stick out my hand and say,
"Y/n Bombay!"
"Bombay? So your the new Bombay? I've seen you play, your pretty good you know. Getting the puck off of one of my best players, that's impressive." He said with a laugh.
"Thank you sir. That means alot for you to say that, I've looked up to you, from the day I could read."
"And what age was that?"
"Three sir." I say.
"Ha your just like your father when he was your age, why don't you come and try out for the Hawks, I need some more great players like you. And you will actually be able to win unlike on the district five team."
"That would be awesome!" I say excitedly and then I remember,
"Call me coach Riley,"
"Well, coach Riley, I can't,"
"Why not? I'm pretty sure that Gordie will let ya"
"It's not that, it's just that, I live in district 5 on the map."
"Oh, well that sucks, I'll see if I can change the lines, get them to redraw. But I want you to come to our practice tommorow"
"Omg! Thank you so much! I'll make you proud!"
"I don't doubt that for a second" I try to hold back my scream as I run home. I run into the house and get my stuff ready for tommorow. Then I start watching Netflix. When I hear the door open, I don't have to look to see it's dad.
"Look, i'm sorry"
"Yeah, sure" I say. Although it's a big step for my dad to say sorry, I really don't want to talk to him. Although I really want to tell him about what I'm doing tommorow.
"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for everything, ever since we moved here, I've been a stubborn prick."
"So from now on, I'll be a better dad, and a better coach."
"Ok, I forgive you for the better dad thing, but you won't have to be a better coach to me. I'm probably transferring to Hawks team" I say and walk to my room and fall asleep in my F/C (favourite colour) bed.

A/N: Just letting you guys know this is set in modern times, just so youse don't get confused.

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