the broken heart

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You received a message from Alex Larson.
I open it and see a message that I always hate.

I dont think we should see each other, because of the teams. You know, since we are probably going to be playing against each other.

I type back. I'm used to getting my heartbroken. It's more of a daily thing. I fall so easily. You know what. I'm done. I'm not falling for guys anymore!
I put on my rollers and skate to a part of some woods. Yes it's cold, but I couldn't care less. I needed to cry, and here no one would find me. I go to a big tree and sit at the bottom. I feel the tears stream down my face. And soon I'm a crying mess.
"Y/n?" I look up and see Charlie.
"How did you find me?" I ask.
"I saw you skating here."
"Are you alright"
"Yeah, estatic!" I say sarcastically.
"No your not," and he came over and hugged me. And this is how I realised that Charlie is basically like the brother I never had. The whole team is basically my family. Peter is basically the protective brother.
Averman the annoying brother.
Charlie, the comforting brother,
Jesse, the stuck up and bitchy brother.
Terry, the fun and goofy brother.
Fulton, the big brother.
Connie, the big nice sister.
Tammy, the little stuck up sister.
Tommy, the funny brother.
And now banks. I don't know much about him, do I'll put that on hold.
The rest are the nice and stupid brothers.

Once I cried all my tears out while being in Charlie's arms. I fell asleep.

Charlie's POV
I feel y/n asleep in my chest. My clothes were wet from her tears. But I didn't care. Y/n was like a little sister to me. I picked her up, and she was surprisingly pretty light. I carried her on my back to my house. Halfway there I saw Adam.
"Hey Adam"
"Hi! Is that y/n?"
"Yeah, I found her crying in the woods. She fell asleep.

Adam Banks POV
As soon as Charlie said that she was crying in the woods, I knew instantly that Larson called whatever it was off.
"Do you need help carrying her?" I asked.
"Yes please, she's really light but I'm exhausted." Charlie put her on my back and like he said, she is really light.
We start walking to Charlie's.
"So, do you like her?" I ask Charlie.
"Which way?" He asked.
"As in like-like"
"Oh no! She's like a little sister to me!"
I felt a wave of relief for some reason. I mean, I might have a little crush on y/n, but I mean, it's not serious. She wont even like me back.
"Do you?"
"Do you like-like her?" Charlie asked me.
"Maybe, I don't know. It's complicated."
"Because I know that she won't like me back."
"How do you know that? You two say things at the same time for goodness sakes!"
"Oh well"
"I'll ask her. Anyway, we're at my house. Can you carry her in?"
"Yeah" Charlie opened the door and I walked in and layed y/n on the couch. I looked at her for a while. She looked so peaceful. I could see that her nose was still blotchy from crying.
"Well I better get going." I say to Charlie.
"Ok, see ya man, thanks again"
I nodded and walked out of the house.

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