banks? on our team?

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I get up that morning. We have another game today. I get ready and go to the rink. I know that my dad got here a while ago. I get on my stuff and go looking for him. I find him on the ice with a guy and coach Riley. I see banks skate over there and I decide to go over there to.
"Hey what's going on?" I say.
"Uh, 450 north hennipen Avenue? Is that your address?" The man says looking at an envelope.
"Yes" says banks dad.
"Well then I'm afraid there is no mistake. This boy is playing for the wrong team."
"What?" Me and banks say at the same time. I know what this means now. No.
"According to the league rules, Adam banks should be playing for district 5."
"My son is a hawk, not a duck." His dad says.
"Is this your doing, Gordan?" Coach Riley says.
"I'll expect to see him at our next game. We'll have a uniform waiting for ya"
"No way!" Banks and i say at the same time again. We looked at each other.
"My son would rather not play than play for your team" banks looked at his dad in panic.
"Fine, if that's the way you want it. But remember, if Adam plays for the Hawks. You'll have to forfeit every game for the rest of the season. Boy I'd hate to see that." Dad walked away and the man started explaining the situation to banks dad.
"Can't you redraw the lines?" I ask.
"If we did that, then you would have to play for the Hawks, and your dad wouldn't be able to coach the ducks. Because you two live on the same street." I didn't know that. I see banks glance at me.
"Fine! See you next game, banks" I skate away. I go into the changing rooms to see Peter walking out of there. I run after him.
"Hey what happened?"
"Doesn't matter, your his favourite anyway." He spits then walks away.
I roll my eyes and walk back into the room to hear dad say,
"Alright, in going up to the bench cause that's where I'm supposed to be. Anyone who wants to join me, can join me. Anyone who doesn't, well." And then he walked. I put on my stuff while mostly everyone walked out. Me, Charlie and Fulton were the only ones who went out in the ice.
Then I hear,
"Ducks forfeit, flames you win." I sigh and just walk back to the changing rooms and get out of my suit. I skate home on my rollerblades.
"Y/n wait!" I turn and see Charlie.
"Do you wanna come to the diner with me? I need help with the science homework, mr denough set us."
"Yeah sure." We went to the diner and his mum got me a free milkshake.
"Ok, so these to are hydrogen, this one's oxegen."
"Hey, can I sit here" dad said, Charlie nodded and dad sat next to him.
"Talk to the guys?"
"I tried, they think I'm a traitor for even showing up."
"Jeez dad, whatever you did this time, it must have been really bad." I say but he ignores me.
"Guess they really hate me huh?"
"Is it true you were really a hawk?"
"Peter said you blew a really big game once."
"Yeah well, Peter's right. It was the last game of the state finals. We were tied 2-2 in the end of third period." I zoned out cause I've already heard this story to many times.
And then I hear Charlie say,
"Well yeah, but a quarter if an inch the other way and you would have missed completely."
"I never thought of it that way" dad replied.
"At least you got to play in the championship game. God that must have been awesome."
"I've played in the championship game, isn't as fun as they say. Its scary as hell"
"Wow" Charlie said. I nod and get up.
"I need to go." I said and walked out.

Adam banks X reader. // the mighty ducks.Where stories live. Discover now