banks is now officially on our team

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We were in the locker room, I was still getting my stuff on. I slipped my jersey over my padding. And then I saw everyone in the room stop and stare at the door. I decided to ignore it, until I heard Jesse say,
"Cake-eater" I roll my eyes, banks is here. I still get ready and not pay attention. Then when I'm done I see everyone going out. I look to see them pushing banks as they walk out. I felt a bit sorry for him.
"They're a good group once you get to know em"
"I'll bet."
"Well, suit up, I'll see you on the ice." Dad says and walks out. I walk out from. Behind the lockers and see banks with the saddest look I've ever seen. I walk over to him and say,
"They aren't that bad." He nodded and looked at me.
"Look, if it makes you feel better, if I get the puck I'll pass it to you, K?" I smiled at him and he smiled back slightly.
"No problem" I say and walk out.
I think I am falling for this guy.

I step out onto the ice with banks. Once the game started I could hear banks calling out to us,
"Come on! Over here! I'm open!" Nobody listened to him so I yelled out,
"Here pass it over here," Terry heard me but passed it to Jesse who passed it to me.
"Come on do something with it!" Banks called out to me. I skated over to him with it and then passed it to him. He got it in the goal and we all started cheering. I skated over to him and side hugged him still cheering. I saw Jesse skating near us and giving banks dirty looks. We were tied and we went over to the bench.
"Goldberg, your Gunna sit this one out"
"Wait, your Pulling the goalie when we're tied" Karp said.
"Coach, you can't pull the goalie!" Banks and I said at the same time.
"Everybody, just trust me, Fulton, your our extra man. Everybody get the puck to Fulton."
"Are we pulling the statue of liberty move?"
"Yeah are we?" I said. Banks looked at us clearly confused.
"I'll explain later" I whispered to him.
"No, shoot it Fulton"
"But coach, one outta one"
"Soft hands Fulton" guy said. "Concentration not strength" he said and winked at Connie.
"Aw them two are so cute" I mutter to banks.
"Connie and guy"
"Oh, yeah"
"Ok, let's go team." We all went out on the ice. We passed the puck to Fulton a and he was about to hit it when a guy from the other team slid under and stole the puck.
"Get him Fulton" I yell.
Fulton skates after him and pushes him then places the puck and looks everywhere.
"Shoot Fulton!"
"Shoot Fulton shoot!"
"Come on Fulton, you can do this" I yell to him. He then hits the puck and everyone ducks out of the way. Including the ducks. Then it goes straight through the net.
"Whoooo" we all cheer and jump on top of Fulton.
"We made it to the play-offs!" We all yell.

Adam banks X reader. // the mighty ducks.Where stories live. Discover now