hanging out with Larson and banks.

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I go home and put on some warmer clothes and go to the ice cream shop. Im supposed to meet the two boys there. I go into the shop and see Larson and banks talking to each other.
"Hey" I say as I walk up to them.
"Hey" they both say at the same time. I saw Larson glare at banks a bit.
I sit down next to Larson.
"So where are we going today?" I ask.
"Where do you want to go?"
"I don't know" I shrug.
"How about the park?"
"Yeah sure" Larson says.
"Well, then come on!" I grab Larson's hand and pull him out if the booth. I look back to see banks still sitting there.
"Aren't you coming?" I say to him.
"Uh no, you have fun though." I roll my eyes and grab his hand and pull him and Larson to the door. I definitely do not like banks. I just don't like seeing people lonely. As we are about halfway there, I let go of banks hand but not Larson's. I look at the shops and see a poster signed by the Mike midano.
"Omg look!" I say and drag Larson over to the window.
"Wow." He said in amazement.
"I know, imagine having Mike midano's signiture. That would be the best gift ever." I say, awestruck.
"Yes it would be"
We walk to the park in silence. Except, it was a good silence. I was in the middle of banks and Larson. I'm pretty sure I saw Larson giving banks death glares. I wonder what for. When we get to the park, I drag Larson over to the swings. I saw that there were 3 adult swings and one baby swing.
"Come on banks! Let's see who can go higher."
We all got on a swing. I swung as high as I could and won.
"Yes! The girl wins again!" I scream in victory. I see Larson laughing, I look at banks to see him in his own world. He seems off today. Oh well. At 4 I decide to go home.
"Hey, it's getting late, I better get home. But I had a great time."
I say.
"Ok, we'll see ya."
I turn to banks.
"See ya"
"I've got to go"
"Bye" I turned and walked away to my house. I just realised that we basically just replayed yesterday with the goodbye. I get home and have a shower and eat and just watch tv. I fall asleep watching tv yet again.
And that night I dreamt of the one and only. Adam Banks.

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