Teaching Fulton how to skate.

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We start skating around the mall screaming with delight. Then I watched Fulton go down the stairs. Oh shoot, poor Fulton, he's gonna be a mess. I keep on skating and get to a book store. I look at the books but don't find anything I like straight away so I keep going. Then I accidentally bump into someone. Again! Why do I always bump into a person when I'm on my skates!
"Sorry" I say.
"It's ok" I recognise the voice to be banks.
"Oh, it's you" he said.
"I could say the exact same thing to you" I say bitterly.
"So, I see that you have a thing for my best friend"
"Why do you care?"
"Because he's my best friend and he is basically in love with you!"
"Really?" I say. I thought that he just went red because he felt embarrased.
"Omg you are blind and so is he."
"What do you mean, and so is he?"
"I keep on telling him that you like him aswell but he says that your just nice."
"Haha, so that's why I held his hand and kissed him on the cheek, and gave him my number."
"Wait, you gave him your number?"
"Yeah I slipped it his pocket."
"Y/n! We need to talk!" I hear behind me. I turn and see Peter.
"Fine!" I say and skate over to him.
"Bye banks" he nodded in reply.
Peter grabs my arm and leads me over to the bridge.
"What the hell do you think your doing?" He spits at me.
"What do you mean?"
"I saw you in the ice cream shop. I saw how you held Larson's hand! And how you kissed him on the cheek. And now your talking to banks!"
"Well maybe I might like Larson, and for a matter of a fact, I was talking to banks about Larson!"
"But he's the enemy!"
"Not to me! And why were you spying on me!"
"I wasn't!"
"Whatever" I say and skate away. I go home and start scrolling through Instagram. Then I get a notification.
Alex Larson followed you on Instagram.
I follow him back and get a DM. I look at it to see a message from Larson.
I text back,
Why didn't you text me on my number?

What do you mean?

Look in your left Pocket.

Holy! How did you get it there?


You are a mystery.

Do you not like mystery?

I love mystery.

What about magic?

I love magic!

Well that's to bad.


Cause I don't plan on doing the dissappearing act anytime time soon.

Do you want to hang out tommorow after your game?
Oh shoot the game! I forgot!

I'd love to!

Great! I'll see you tommorow! Oh and can Adam come?

Yeah sure.
Even though, I don't like banks, I like Larson, alot!

Ok, thanks.

I couldn't wait for tommorow, the team is better than ever, and I'm gonna get to hang out with Larson, and banks.

Adam banks X reader. // the mighty ducks.Where stories live. Discover now