the finals

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We all stood in a line next to the Hawks while the anthem played. I was across from Larson, with banks behind me. Larson kept shooting me looks but I just ignored him. I didn't need him stuffing up my game. When the anthem was over, we all went to the bench.
"Okay ducks! Let's fire it up! Quack! Quack! Quack!" Dad said and we all started in chorus.
We all went onto the ice.
"Goodluck" I say to banks and kissed him on the cheek and then put on my helmet. I go to my spot and then Adam and Jesse comes out.
Adam goes to the centre with McGill.
Then when we were all lined up, the whistle blew and the game began.
McGill grabbed the puck and Adam was pushed down by 2 hawks players. I scoffed Unimpressed. I watch as the puck zooms across the ice. I look to my left and see Larson. Snap out of it y/n! Play the game! I see Adam get the puck and skate with him.
"Pass it here!" I say, we were getting closer and closer to the goal.
He passes it to me and I skate with it but I see a hawk coming straight at me and I pass it back to Adam, then get smacked by some hawk boy and fall. I hear him snigger and I get up with a grunt. I see that the hawks have the puck again. The game goes on and on. With all of us working together to score a goal. The puck zooms across from one team to another. I get it then a hawk, then charlie gets it, then a hawk. Then, Adam comes in and grabs the puck as it moves to the side. We could all hear Charlie yelling at Adam,
"Banks! Two coming hard!"
He passes the puck to anyone and then gets knocked by two hawks. Assholes. We all groan.
Then the hawks score a goal. They cheer as I help Adam up.
"You alright?" I say
"Yeah, I'm fine" then he skates to the bench. I go after him. After another pep talk by dad, we go again.
We start and Charlie carries the puck down the ice field, then passed it to Adam who tried to shoot it but was blocked.
The game goes on again and, in spite of our defenses, they score another goal. We groan. I look up at the score board as I hear the announcer say,
"3 to nothing"
Thanks, what a way to rub it in.
Next round comes and Goldberg saves us, thank god for that! We get the puck and as I'm skating I see the opposite team tripping and flipping our teammates. Jeez we are dropping like flies. Like actually dropping! We do another round and they score again. We go over to the bench and stand in a line.
"Don't be scared of them ducks," my dad says while walking down the line. "That's what they want! Keep your heads up! Play proud! Let's fly!"
"Yeah!" We all cheer.
"Come on, let's go!"
Everyone goes out onto the ice except me and a few other players. I'm sitting this one out cause it's my turn.
I watch the game, cheering them on with everyone else.
Then I see mcgill nod at Larsson. What does that mean?
The McGill chases after banks who is with the puck. Then he pushes banks in his lower back and he falls causing the puck to go in the goal. Everyone cheers except me. I see that he's not moving and race over there. I kneel next to him and Larsson comes over and assess Adam. Then he looks up at McGill and says,
"What did you do!?"
"My job" he replies and skates away. Then the ref came over and called an ambulance. At this point I was crying. I didn't want to touch him cause I was afraid I would make something worse. So I just sat there and looked at him with tears dripping down my cheeks.
"Y/n" he says faintly.
"Jesus! (Sorry if ur Christian, U can change it to something else if u want) are you okay?!" I ask.
"Don't worry, the ambulance is coming" and as if right on cue they walk through the door, and I feel someone pull me up and away as they come through to him. I look over at the person who pulled me aside and see my dad.
"Let them assess his injuries first." I nod. Once they finish I hear my name being called by my dad.
"Y/n! Banks wants to talk to you!"  I rush over to them and go up to his stretcher. His eyes are open and he has a neck brace on.
"Hey" he says as he sees me.
"Hey" I say.
"Win for me. K?" I nod smiling sadly. "Hey, Hey, Hey," he says wiping away a falling tear. "I'm gonna be okay. I'll be out before U finish the game"
"Okay" I say softly, and lean down and kiss him softly. Then he has to go. Once he's gone I am aware that someone is staring at me but I don't look.
Cause ik it's Larson.

This is just part 1. I'm sorry it took so long. Hope U like it.
And can U please comment what U would like to happen with U and Adam after the game. Like what happens with their relationship? Does y/n go with her dad? Or does she stay?
Pls comment.

Adam banks X reader. // the mighty ducks.Where stories live. Discover now