actually acting like a coach

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I wake up in the morning at 10am. I get up and go out into the kitchen to see dad sitting at the bench eating.
"Hey dad" I say.
"Hey, what did you mean about the coach thing?"
"Well, next year they are Gunna redraw the lines so I can play for the Hawks."
"Oh that's great! Listen, I have to go see mister Duckworth today, do you want to come?"
"Yes!" I say.
Later that day we go to Mr ducksworths office.
"Mr ducksworth, this is my daughter, Y/n Bombay"
"Hello young lady" he says and shakes my hand.
"Look, Mr ducksworth, there are two reasons I came by.
First off, I wanted to let you know that things are going well. I'm learning alot about teamwork and fair play and all that junk."
"Good good. And the second thing?" Mr ducksworth replied.
"Well, sir, fair play doesn't come cheap. These kids, my team, has no money. They can't afford rink time, safe equipment, and proper uniforms, which makes it difficult for them to compete. Now imagine sir, being 13 years old, and stepping out onto that ice with old copies of enquirer taped to your shins instead of pads. The point I'm trying to make, sir, is that you wouldn't be taken seriously and neither are these kids. so I thought, maybe the firm could help them out."
"How much are we talking about?" Ducksworth replied and glanced at me.
"No way!"
"Wait a minute. Think of the goodwill. We name the team after the firm and suddenly we're the good guys." Dad put his hands up in the air like he was putting the words there,
"Ducksworth, saver and gross, the firm that gives back to the community." Ducksworth seemed to think about it for a minute when dad said,
"Come on, I'll get you your own jersey."
"Thank you Mr ducksworth! You will not regret this!" And we both walked out and grabbed all the kids and went to the hockey store.
We all started picking out stuff, I saw Peter looking at a poster. I walk over to him as he says,
"Bombay was a hawk."
"Yeah no shit" I say from behind him.
"How's that ankle?" He asked.
"Fully healed. See I'm alright!"
We all got our stuff and payed for it and went to the ice rink.
When we got there we saw some ice skaters on there, but two kids our age were really good. It was unbelievable!
"Dude! Check em out, man!" Goldberg said.
"Holy cow! They're pretty good skaters" Peter said. I scoffed.
"Pretty good? I'd say they're dam well excellent skaters" I say amazed.
"Anybody know who they are?" Dad asked
"Thats Tommy Duncan, he's in my science class, and that's his sister Tammy." He said the last bit a little dreamily.
"Think they'd wanna play hockey with us?"
"Yeah!" All the boys said.
"Go get dressed, I'll do the negotiating."
We went into the locker room and got dressed, when we came out, we saw dad putting a uniform on Tammy.
"Just think if it as figure skating, with a stick" he said handing her a hockey stick.
"Your gonna love it Tammy."
Then Tommy skated over with all his gear.
"Hey! Atta boy Tommy! Looking good, looking tough!" Dad says putting him on the back.
"Gimme 5, shoe me your alive!"
Then when dad skated away, Tammy said to Tommy.
"Mum isn't Gunna like this at all"
"Do what, you want me to figure skate! You gotta play hockey!" He spat back.
"What do I know about hockey?" Tammy said as she pushed Tommy and he fell.
"more than you think" he said from the ground.
I skate over to Tammy and say,
"It really isn't that bad"
"Whatever!" She says and rolls her eyes. Um a bit rude. We all sit in the ground in front of the coach.
"Back to the basics. Skating!" He says and starts lining up cones.
We started skating between them with an imaginary puck.
"Go, go! Side to side! Shift your weight! Get comfortable on your edges, good. Thats good. Keep your balance Karp! Trust your edges!" And then Charlie fell.
"Thats okay, Charlie"
We then sat in front of him again and he got about three cartons of eggs out. We were all confused. They all looked at me for an explanation but I just shrugged. Just cause I was his daughter, didnt mean I could read his mind. He then picked up an egg and held it and said,
"Soft hands. You don't shoot the puck to your team mate. You sail it to him. Karp, on your feet!" Now it clicked, he done the same thing to me when I was 7. Karp got up and then dad said,
"You send it" then it splattered on the ground. Everyone started laughing.
"Ew" Karp said wiping off some egg.
"You don't stop the pass, you accept it. Cradle it." He made some movements with his hockey stick.
Then he made up to try.
I was the best at it so far. I haven't broken any so far. I could hear some of the boys saying.
"Oh!" And,
"Ugh!" As their egg cracked.
"Again! Concentration not strength." Dad said.
"Like the karate kid, right?" Averman said, "wax on, wax off. Ohh!"
"Just shut up and try it Averman!" Connie interrupted him.
"Your such a jerk," she said.
"Send it back Averman" dad said. He sent it back and actually didn't crack this time.
Good Averman. Charlie" he noticed to Charlie and passed it. Charlie caught it.
"Thats good, good. Now sail it back" Charlie tried but cracked it and it splattered all over dad. Ew.
I fought the urge to laugh. I could hear people saying,
"Oh! Way to go spazway" I rolled my eyes knowing that he didn't mean it.
"All right! All right!" He made us split into pairs and practice even more. I was paired up with Tommy.
"Good, guy. Good, good. Cradle it! Cradle it! Soft hands! Soft hands! Here it comes. Nice and easy. Good!"
"I did it! I did it!" Karp said.
"All right!" I then focused on the egg. Tommy was doing really good.
"Nice!" I said as he sailed it perfectly.
"Thanks, your better"
"Ha maybe, but then again, I've been playing since I was three" I smiled and he stared at me in amazement. Then we heard dad saying
"Everyone line up Infront of the goal!"
We all lined up to see dad tying up Goldberg to the goal.
"My mother would not approve of this coach. She'd like me to live to be bar mitzvah'd." Goldberg said in panic.
"This is your bar mitzvah, Goldberg. Today, you will become a man." Dad said and walked over to us.
"Coach, I think you got the ceremonies mixed up. It's more like a circumcision." Goldberg said trying to get out of the goal.
"District 5 ready!"
"Oh man, I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die"
"Aw, guys, would ya please-"
"Nice knowing ya, Goldie" said Peter with a snigger.
"Oh, please no."
We started shooting pucks at Goldberg. Soon he started liking it.
We all started banging our sticks on the ice and started shouting out Goldberg's name. The rest of the days we practiced all that. And every day was exaghsting. But I loved it.

Adam banks X reader. // the mighty ducks.Where stories live. Discover now