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TW: Suicide

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I'll give you guys mercy.



Jennie tried to contact Lisa for hours, she called her number over and over, but her girlfriend is not even returning her calls. Jennie's already worried, it's evening already and she's still not back yet.

Jessi even called Jennie and told her that her she will come back sooner to settle the mess, Jessi's also worried about Lisa and she left a lot of messages for her to pick it up.

Lisa however, sat on the stool at the local bar, drinking a glass of lemon juice instead of beer. Lisa's not really fond of alcoholic beverages, she doesn't know why, but she just hate it.

She watched the news of her and Jennie confirming to be dating and another is an announcement of Jennie retiring from Figure Skating.

Lisa drank the remaining juice from her glass, she sets it down as she listens to the TV on the shelf where there are more bottles of alcoholic drinks are arranged beside it.

"Hyuna, what do you think about Dzhenni and Liza?" The news reporter asked, their opponent just shrugged. "Well, they're alright, and I applaud them for being brave and all. They showed no boundaries in Figure Skating community, and they broke the odd of being the first female pairs in the history of the sport, but it's really sad that Dzhenni Kim has to retire, It would be very entertaining to see her and Liza become our worthy opponent for the upcoming competition,"Hyuna sighed, "Whatever makes her happy, we're going to take the gold medal instead so dasvidanya, Dzhenni Kim." (Good bye) She laughed.

"What about you, Dawn?"

"I'm glad she is retiring, that woman don't deserve to be part of the Figure Skating community. All she did was make a lot of scandal this and there but hey, I have nothing against the LGBTQ, I'm glad they came out and they do make a perfect couple."

"Mudak." (Asshole) Lisa muttered, she stared on the empty glass, playing on the ice as she stirs it around. "You're Liza?" An old man asked, sitting next to her, he wore an Ushanka hat, and a large fur coat. "Yeah." Lisa answered, she's not even looking at him.

The old man glanced at the headline of the news, it shows a picture of her and Jennie.

"Where's your girlfriend?" He asked and Lisa just shrugged.

"Ah Vlad! You're here again!?" The bartender interrupted the two of them, "Yes, I'll have the usual." He answered. "Got it!" The bartender smiled.

"What's a lady figure skater doing here? Don't you have a contest to prepare to?" The old man asked, "I-It's... it's nothing." Lisa sighed, she adjust herself from her seat, still looking down on her empty drink.

"First fight? Yep, it's always the worst one but hey, don't give up just yet." The old guy said, his Russian accent is strong. "Here's your drink sir!" The bartender sets down a bottle of vodka on the counter together with a mug filled with ice.

"You always know what I want." He smiled.

Lisa was taken aback by the sight of the vodka. Her memories brought her back to the day when she saw an empty bottle of the same brand of the old man on her parent's bedroom floor.

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