Good Villain

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Spider-man Narrating/Breaking the 4th Wall

Peter hissed as Claire relocated his shoulder. God, he was going to have to get used to that. He felt the pain quickly numbing down as his healing factor kicked in. He rolled his shoulder a bit to make sure it was set right.

Claire is a skilled nurse that works in the same hospital as May. She's basically a go-to for medical treatment for me and Matt. She's nice but few can rival her sarcasm, me being a part of that small group.

Claire started cleaning up her medical supplies as she spoke to Peter, "I'm gonna need to invest in stain-proof furniture seeing as I'm now going to have two bloodied up vigilante's waking me up at midnight."

Peter laughed at the statement and with a shocked expression said, "Only two? The famous Night Nurse's only patients are a blind devil and his little spider-powered apprentice."

Claire smirked, "Three if you count Jessica Jones but she stopped coming when she moved back to America. Also, I think you guys are the only ones that know about 'Night Nurse'."

Peter smiled and said, "More people should. You're amazing"

Claire let out a small laugh while shaking her head and said, "Last time I was known as an associate of a vigilante, I was kidnapped and tortured by a Russian gang."

This caused Peter to joke his cheeky smile and looked down, "Sorry."

Claire smiled a reassuring smile and said, "It's alright, kid. That was a long time ago."

Peter smiled, "Ok."

Claire took a seat on the couch next to the vigilante. They sat there in silence next to each other for a few moments before Claire asked, "So what happened out there, kid? You looked pretty roughed up when you arrived here."

Peter seemed to think about what he was going to say for a few moments before saying, "Sand. Some guy with a sand quirk was going around cause some intense property damage. I tried to confront him, but there wasn't much I could do to fight a man made of sand. But the weirdest was that he just left."

This grabbed Claire's attention as she raised her eyebrow in confusion.

Peter continued to explain what happened earlier in the night. "He seemed to be struggling form words like he was getting used to his quirk making his body to be made of sand. He told me to leave him alone, and then he left through a drain. I don't know exactly what's going on, but one thing is for sure. He isn't your regular villain."

Peter sat upside down on the ceiling of his room as he read through the morning paper. He was specifically looking at job ads. He could've gotten a job at Nelson and Murdock, but they weren't doing much better money wise and Peter didn't feel ok taking money from them.

As he read the ads, one caught his attention. It was an ad for the paper itself. They wanted photos of Spider-man. Peter couldn't help but find the idea of being paid for taking selfies of himself to be extremely funny.

While he read through the ads, he failed to listen to the footsteps of his Aunt heading up the stairs to his room. So he wasn't expecting the knock on his bedroom door, which caused him to let go of the ceiling and to hit the floor with a thud.

from the other side of the door, May called out to her nephew, "Peter are you ok? I heard something hit the floor."

Groaning, Peter got up from the floor and answered, "I'm ok Aunt May. I just tripped. I'll be ok."

May sighed and said, "You scared me, Peter. You know how much I tend to worry. Especially so soon after Ben."

This sent a sense of dread over Peter. It was his fault. His fault Ben was gone. He was responsible for the grief May was going through. His fault. His fault. His fault. His fault. His fault. His fault. His fault. His fault. His fault. His fault. His fault. His fault. His fault. His fault. His fault. His fault. His fault. His price to pay. His responsibility.

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