Free as a Spider

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Spider-man Narrating/Breaking the 4th Wall

"Crap! Crap Crap! This is not how I expected today to go!" Spider-man screamed as he tried to escape the many sidekicks following him.

Daredevil had his arms wrapped around Spider-man's neck and he shouted, "Well how did you think it was going to go?!"

A sidekick with a monkey quirk tried to jump them from one of the tall buildings. Spider-man effortlessly dodged them and webbed them to another building.

"I don't know. I visit Ben's grave, we stop the Vulture, investigate whatever drugs that caused Toomes to go crazy. Heck, maybe even fight one of Fisk's artificial villains. Not fucking this!"

Spider-man attempted to swing into a lesser-known area to better avoid Team Idatem. Unfortunately, those guys had other plans.

A large mass of black suddenly grew from the centre of the empty street. It expanded constantly in a circular manner until it was as tall as the buildings around it. It had an oval white mask-like face with black ovals for the eyes. Under its face were a set of white rings, organized like buttons.

Thanks to being best friends with a hero fanboy for years and a certain story that Daredevil told him that he heard from the Naruhata Vigilantes, Peter was able to identify this hero.

"Oh crap, it's Enigma."

The giant sidekick tried to grab the duo but her movement was too slow. Spider-man was able to effortlessly avoid the giant and began running up her arm. She tried to knock him off with her other arm but Spider-man simply jumped off her before swinging back on it.

"How you do this, I will never understand." Daredevil stated hints of green beginning to show underneath the mask.

Spider-man finally reached Enigma's shoulder and jumped forward back to the open street. As he swung he explained, "Perfect balance and increased endurance can really help with all of the g-forces."

As the dynamic duo swung towards a safe area, Daredevil picked something up. "We got flyers coming in from 11 o'clock, 3 o'clock, 5 o'clock and 8 o 'clock."

"Yeah, I can sense them."

Spider-man kept swinging. He wanted to put as much distance between them and the sidekicks as possible. Because that's all they were. Sidekicks. They haven't even seen the final boss yet.

Spidey's sixth sense suddenly spiked. Listening to his instincts, Spider-man did a flip much to Daredevil's dismay. The move allowed him to avoid an attack of a hero with jet wings coming out of his back. Spidey fired a web line at their back and allowed himself to be dragged by the flyer.

"What the heck was that?" he questioned, unable to see what was happening behind him.

A girl with drone propellers coming out of her back appeared carrying a large camera called out, "They're attached to your back by a web line, Turbo Jet! Take them to the randevu point."

The identified Turbo Jet nodded and responded, "Got it. Heading there now."

He quickly changed directions and started flying towards said location. From the back of the web line, Spider-man called to Daredevil, "Randevu point? I don't like the sound of that."

"Neither do I kid. Let's get out of here."


Spider-man let go of the webbing and the two of them fell back towards the ground. Right before he hit the street, Spider-man fired another line of webbing and swung into an empty alley.

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