Removing Distractions

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Spider-man Narrating/Breaking the 4th Wall


"You said that X-24 could overpower Wolverine! Instead, he got mutilated!" Francis' voice yelled through the speakers.

All for One sighed, resting his head on his hand, as he listened to his employee's ranting through the computer. He would rather listen to Tomura whining about some 5-year-old hacking on one of his video games than this.

"I wasn't lying." he explained, "X-24 has the power to take down the Wolverine. However, he wasn't fighting just Wolverine. He had to deal with two of the most dangerous vigilantes in Japan as well as that girl. You watched the security footage, right?"

"Of course, I watched the footage. And your little project was struggling even against only Daredevil. DAREDEVIL! Many people say that he doesn't even have any powers, yet he still managed to keep that animal on his toes!"

All for One was beginning to wish he put some quirks inside the punk. He was starting to push at the line.

"Have you considered that may mean that our enemies are stronger than we originally anticipated?" he asked in a calm but cold tone.

"Isn't that your job? All I have to do is find mutants for you to experiment on. Your job is to make sure no one intervenes. And what happened? You lost two pawns in one round and I lost a shit ton of merchandise."

All for One's forced calm disappeared, as a massive frown appeared on his face.

"Don't think that just because you got me a few new toys, that means you can talk on equal footing as me. I am the Dark Lord of this story. I have ruled Japan since the dawn of quirks. Do you think what you do matters to me? I have dozens of backup plans, all aiming toward the same goal. I don't care what happens to you. You are an even smaller bug than Spider-man. So I recommend you rethink your place here before calling me again."

With that, the call ended.

"Fucking, Bitch!" Francis yelled, slamming his fist on his desk.

"You know, it would probably be a good idea to listen to your boss from time to time. Show him some respect." A cold voice spoke.

Francis stood quickly, his gun up and ready to fire. He quickly did a 360° spin, scanning every corner of his makeshift office.

"Who are you?! Show yourself!" he demanded, still slowly turning.

"Who I am doesn't matter. What I want does."

"Oh yeah? And what do you want?"

Francis felt something cold and sharp slide across his throat, cutting it open and spilling blood out. He fell to the floor, dropping the gun in favour of grabbing his cut-throat to try and stop the bleeding, even though he knew it was pointless. The cut was too deep and the taste of blood in his mouth too strong.

The voice wasn't phased by the scene. Instead, he continued, "Your little operation is getting in the way of my project. You're too much of a distraction. I haven't gotten any real data since those two animals showed up. I need in-world, real-time data. There's only so much you can learn in a lab, especially when you don't have all the tools. But hey, at least I get to test a new toy."

Through the blood and tears, Francis saw something circular and silver roll up to his face. It was beeping. He could hear footsteps moving through the office, and he finally got to see his attacker. His feet to be more specific. He was wearing a black suit.

"Look at the bright side Francis. At least your death was serious. And not a joke like what that rogue mercenary of yours would have chosen."

Those were the last words he heard before the man exited the office through the door. He was left alone, bleeding in his office with a bomb a few centimetres from his face. He was about to pass out, when the bomb suddenly went off, encompassing him in bright light and extreme heat that burnt the flesh off his bones.

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