Strengthening the Alliance

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Spider-man Narrating/Breaking the 4th Wall

Yuri wasn't exactly sure why she was there. The chances of him actually coming were extremely slim. She wouldn't blame him. She was being an idiot when she asked him, a wanted vigilante, to meet her, the captain of the police force, on the roof of the police station at midnight.

She took a sip of her coffee and was about to leave when she heard the sound. It was an unusual 'thwip' sound, but she knew what it meant. A few moments later, the familiar red and blue vigilante landed on the railing next to her. His mask showed a cheerful expression, as she would have expected.

What she didn't expect was for a second figure to land on the opposite end. Daredevil had a frown on what little face he showed. It wasn't threatening but Yuri knew that if she made one wrong move, she was gonna regret it. Still, she didn't let herself feel intimidated.

"Didn't expect you to bring your friend along."

Spidey simply shrugged and answered, "When Devil boy heard that you wanted to meet, he insisted that he should come along. Hope you don't mind."

Yuri simply shook her head and answered, "Not at all."

She turned to shake Daredevil's hand, which he reluctantly took. Yuri noticed the way Daredevil was looking at her. He gave off an aura that he was analysing her, yet the way he looked, it was as if she wasn't even there.

This is when Daredevil spoke, "Spider-man informed me about what happened at the subway. I appreciate the fact that you were open-minded to the situation and not only let him escape but also defended Doctor Conners."

Yuri was caught off guard by how gentle the man that is known as 'The Demon in Tokyo' sounded. Officers, criminals, even Aizawa reported the rough voice he spoke in, capable of silencing the room with just a cough. Yet here he was, talking to her like a parent would to a child. Not the best comparison.

Yuri was unable to find any words so she simply nodded.

Spider-man casually sat down on the railing and asked, "So Yuri, what was it that you wanted to talk about? Like, to the point that you didn't want to just have Eraser pass it on."

"As trustworthy as Aizawa is, I don't think he'd enjoy being the messenger."

At this, Spider-man started laughing. Yuri was surprised he didn't fall off the railing with how hard he was laughing.

"Sorry about him." Daredevil, who was now standing on the ground, spoke, "I know he may seem childish, and he is, but I can promise you that he knows when to take a situation seriously, even if he doesn't show it."

"I'm well aware of that. I've seen some of the things he does. Civilian casualties and property damage are always low whenever he arrives. At the rate he's going, he would probably soon be in the top five if he was a legal hero."

Spider-man cocked his head and answered, "I don't know whether I should feel honoured that you think so highly of me, or offended that you just compared to what is the equivalent of a leaderboard for what should be voluntary work but has been reduced to nothing more but a glorified popularity contest."

Yuri looked at the vigilante at the moment, surprised that he shared similar views as her, and at such a young age.

Yuri answered, "A bit of both will do. Anyway, we're getting off track. The reason I called the two you here is for this."

She reached into her coat and pulled out a file that was labelled Kingpin. She handed it over to Daredevil who took it and asked. "What is it."

"It's a file containing a copy of all the evidence we have against Fisk, or, at least evidence that hasn't been destroyed by any of the dirty cops that Fisk has under his thumb. I trust that you might be able to do more with this than us."

Spider-man did a mock salute and said, "Don't worry captain, Daredevil and I will take good care of this."

He then handed Yuri a piece of paper with what seemed to be random letters. However based on how they were placed and how they never went above 'j', she was able to quickly able to conclude that these were their phone numbers.

"Just don't make me regret this."

Spider-man answered, "You won't."

The two vigilantes then swung off in opposite directions using their own methods of transportation. Yuri took a sip of her coffee and began walking to the door that lead off the roof.

As Spider-man swung through the city, contemplating his alliance with the captain of the police force, he felt a familiar yet alien sensation at the back of his skull. It was his Spidey Sense, only it wasn't trying to get him away from something, it was trying to lead him to something, or someone.

'That girl!'

That was the only possible conclusion. Almost on instinct, Spidey quickly changed direction and swung where his senses were leading him. He wouldn't confront her, not yet. He would just follow her in a totally non-creepy manner and get an understanding of who the hell she is.

To his surprise, his senses lead him to a shady and dark alley. From it, he picked up two heartbeats. One seemed to be pumping with excitement while the other was of fear and was failing. He could smell blood in the air. His first thought was that the girl was in danger.

What he didn't consider was that she WAS the danger.

Spider-man froze, hidden in the shadows as he clung to the wall of the alley. There she was, the girl his arachnid instincts were leading him to, dressed as a high schooler and sucking a teenage boy dry of blood with some sort of syringe that pumped the blood into small containers she had around her waist. She had her hand clamped on his mouth to prevent him from screaming for help.

Spidey quickly used his burner phone and called the authorities, simply telling them his location and that there was a boy with severe blood loss. He then hung up before they could ask anything else.

He swung down to the commotion and shouted, "You know, when I woke up this morning, I didn't think this what I would be dealing with."

The girl pulled the syringe out of the poor boy and looked towards Spidey. She grinned, revealing her canine teeth. She jumped back before Spider-man was able to land on her, giggling like crazy

Tonight was one of the rare times Fisk would let Himiko to go out by herself and do whatever she wanted. She figured she could just steal this cute boys identity and order herself something from a 24hrs restaurant.

So imagine her surprise when Spider-man himself, the very vigilante she has been obsessing over, decided to interrupt her little blood-sucking ritual.

She jumped out of the way of his attack.

"My, my, my, I didn't expect you to show up, my little spider."

Spider-man didn't seem to have been affected by the way she spoke and answered, "Well I have been told  to have the uncanny ability to show up when you least expect it."

Despite the mask and his cheery attitude, she took note of how he kept glancing towards the now unconscious boy

'He's so humble! It's sooooo cute.'

A large blush appeared on Himiko's cheeks as she looked at the vigilante, and without any warning, she charged forward.

Spider-man: Bad BloodWhere stories live. Discover now