Hunting a Target

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Spider-man Narrating/Breaking the 4th Wall


In a run-down bar in a no-name street, two lawyers and their secretary were discussing the dilemma that they were currently.

"I'm just saying Matt, it wouldn't hurt to talk to them about this case. They have an experience that could help us." Foggy said as he took a sip of his drink.

Matt sighed and said, "And that experience is exactly why we can't ask them for help. If word reaches Tsukauchi that those they helped us then he'll haul them off to Tartarus in a heartbeat, and there would be nothing we or Aizawa and Yuri could do to help them."

Karen, who was sitting between them, pointed out, "Besides, I don't think they would be much help. We're dealing with different people and motives this time. Even the drug is different."

"It's Trigger," Foggy argued.

"It's a modified version of the drug. Hence the 2.0 at the end." Matt stated in a way akin to a parent explaining a simple concept to their child.

"Hey!" A middle-aged woman called from behind the counter, "Keep your lawyer talk for your office. You don't know who what has eyes and ears in this place."

"Sorry, Josie." All three of them said.

Josie's bar was a dump. Infamous for housing scum from all across the city. While it didn't house any big names, the small group of lawyers had solved numerous cases just by coming here and listening.

Matt took a sip of his drink, careful not to swallow the eel, and then put the glass back on the bar table. He then said, "Heads up, Pointdexter is on his way here."

Foggy and Karen both spit out their drinks and simultaneously shouted, "What!?"

"He's four blocks away and heading in our direction. If we're lucky, he'll walk straight past us without even batting an eye."

"Matt, luck is like a foreign language to us." Foggy is said in a severe tone.

"Well if that trend continues then he'll walk into this bar."

Karen stated in a panicked voice, "We need to go."

She reached for her handbag but Matt grabbed her arm while still staring straight ahead.

"Don't. He'll see us exciting and find it suspicious. Especially if he notices your panicked expressions and no offence, but you two are terrible actors. The best we can do is wait here, act natural, and hope he doesn't come in here."

Karen and Foggy were ready to argue back but stopped when the door to the bar opened with the ringing of the stereotypical bell.

Everyone, except Matt, turned towards the door. The door closed itself behind the person that entered. Bullseye stood there, hearing his all-black suit with white accents. He wore a black mask that had a mouth and eye holes. On his forehead was also a white pattern of a target.

Matt heard how most of the heartbeats in the bar stopped for a moment. He could smell the nervousness that was radiating off of them.

Bullseye was wildly known as an underground here. Relatively well known to the average civilian, but infamous to the scum of the underworld.

"Alright, you pieces of shit!" Bullseye shouted, his voice booming throughout the bar. "I'm tracking a suspect in a series of murders. Have any of you seen this girl before?"

He pulled out a picture of Toga and presented it to all of the attendants. Most shook their heads and denied ever seeing here.

Foggy whispered to Matt, "He's looking for Peter's girlfriend."

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