The Endgame

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Spider-Man Narrating/Breaking the 4th Wall


"Well, that's the last of the goodbye/apology texts." Koichi sighed as he shut off his phone and placed it beside him on the bench.

"Same here." Pop sighed and sat next to him, and rested her head on his shoulder. She had taken off her mask, and sunglasses, leaving only the medical eye patch to cover her face. She had even taken off her hair bands, letting her fluffy bubble gum hair flow free.

The crime-fighting partners sat there in silence, on the bench in the the other locker room. Apparently, Toga was already using one as a bedroom and the red duo planned on making similar accommodations for them.

"I'm gonna guess this isn't what you imagined when you first became a performer?" Koichi asked, but it was more of a statement.

Kazuho snorted a laugh because he was right. Her childhood self never would have imagined this is what her life would become when she first became PopStep. "No, this definitely isn't what I imagined. I'll guess that you're in a similar boat. You probably weren't expecting to be stuck in a run-down gym back when you were just picking up garbage, right Nice Guy."

"I guess neither of us got what we expected when we signed up."

"I don't think we signed up for anything. We just did our own thing and it spiralled out of control."

Koichi hummed, seemingly agreeing with what she said.

The pair sat together, not saying anything for a long time. Kazuo felt like she should be worried about, well, everything. Koichi and her were officially wanted by the police and Pro Heroes and there was no chance for a pardon. Her friends and family were probably worried sick. And they were absolutely going to officially enter the war against crime along with Spider-Man, Daredevil and that crazy girl.

But, she wasn't worried. Her mind was only focused on how soft Koichi's hoodie was and just how sturdy he truly was. All that time spent carrying people to safety definitely paid off. It made her wonder what he looked like without that ridiculous piece of merchandise that is so obsessed with. She could imagine the results from all the training he's been doing for the past months.

Fighting a blush that she was all too used to, her eyes looked down to the small space between. Her hand was this close to Koichi's. Knowing him, she could probably intertwine her fingers in his without him fighting it.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, slowly began to guide her hand to his. It's not like it was a big deal, right? They've held hands before. But Koichi was always the one who initiated the action and there was a reason for it, so they never held hands simply to feel each other's touch. Did they even have that type of relationship?

'Get it together, girl." Kazuho ordered herself. 'We've talked about this before. He likes you. The idiot is just too dense to show it properly. So stop acting like a preschooler and grab his hand.'

With a new sense of resolve, Kazuho lifted her hand and was ready to drop it on her target. Nothing was going to stop her.

"Hey, roomies! Itsy Bitsy and the Asshole are back."

Koichi and Kazuho jumped in surprise, instinctively putting room between them, both of them taken aback by the unexpected voice. Toga had slammed open the door to the room and was about to skip into the room but froze at the sight of them.

Pop could see the gears in the girl's head turning as her eyes scanned the scene. She could pinpoint the exact moment when the knife wielder realised what she was interrupting. It made Kazuho want to stab her with her own knives.

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