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Spider-man Narrating/Breaking the 4th Wall


Peter breathed in the crispy autumn air as he entered the front gates of the hell that was his middle school. He never told anyone, but Peter hated this place more than any other. Not only was it a representation of the corruption of the society that he was forced to live in, but it was also where he felt most restrained.

One of the biggest perks of being a vigilante was the freedom that came with it. The only rules that he had to follow were his morals and the lessons that he learnt from Matt. Spider-man was to Peter what Chat Noir was to Adriene Agreste. An escape from the world's expectations and a way to be who he truly was. The only difference is that the world has far lower expectations for Peter than for Adriene.

Peter saw Flash talking to Midoryia about something and Peter could hear Bakugo yelling somewhere in the distance. But he didn't pay attention to those. The only person on his mind was Laura. Every time that name entered his thought train, his heart began beating faster than normal. The name was often followed by her midnight hair. When he thought of her hair, his nose was hijacked by the memory of her smell. It wasn't the best smell, but he loved the rose smell that followed it and the lab smell that was also in the mix always brought him joy.

Finally, those beautiful emerald eyes. Peter didn't know how else to describe their beauty or then hypnotizing. The way that light seemed to shine inside them, and the way he could practically see himself in them. It was breathtaking.

And Peter knew that they were still both young, and puberty probably has yet properly hit Laura but could see the beginnings of a pretty nice figure, and he could only imagine the goddess that would walk the earth and on hi-

"Are you going to say something or am I finally allowed to cut off your tongue since you don't seem to be using it." Laura set in her usual annoyed toned, closing the door of the locker she had been using.

Peter snapped out of his daydream instantly and tried to hide his embarrassment the same way he always does. With a joke.

"Now why, my dear friend, would I wish to rid the world of my exceptional speech?"

Phew, saved it. Why didn't you guys snap me out of it?

Chibi Peter: Is- is he talking to us?

Chibi Spidey: I think he is.

Devil Spidey: This is the first this has ever happened.

And it will probably never happen again. Now answer my question.

Chibi Peter: We're you. We were also distracted.

"So did you come here just to daydream while staring at me, or do you want to talk about something?"

There was no denying that Laura was becoming annoyed by his antics, but Peter was pretty sure he saw the edge of her lips arching upwards. Her sweet, rosy lips that-

'Snap out of it Peter. This is serious.'

"Yeah. To the talking apart, not the daydreaming and staring. I'm really sorry about that. My mind has been kinda all over the place recently.

Laura hummed seemingly with understanding when she heard that before saying, "I highly doubt that is the case."

This caught Peter completely off guard. 'Did Laura just tease me about staring at her? Holy shit Logan was right, I am making her more human.'

Laura folded her arms and asked, "So, what do you want to talk about?"

Peter paused for a moment. That question had a handful of answers. He wanted to talk to Laura about Fisk having adamantium and how she was apparently connected to that, her leaving soon, and the kiss. It was a lot to talk about and he knew that the time between now and the first period was too short to discuss it all, so he instead said.

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