I'm Sorry, I wish I knew more

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Spider-man Narrating/Breaking the 4th Wall

"Once again, the Bugle blames me for the mess." Peter silently complained as he read the article on Jameson's latest rant against him on his phone. 'At least he paid me a good price for those photos.'

Peter groaned as he felt his unhealed injuries burn from the slightest movements. He tried to readjust his bag's position on his back to try and minimise the pressure on his injuries. He was grateful for his healing factor. He had no idea where he would be without it.

As Peter neared the gates of his school, he was surprised to see Laura leaning against the brick wall that surround the school, seemingly waiting for something or someone. She was wearing her uniform more gracefully than on her first day.

She had tied the sailor scarf properly this time instead of just throwing it around her neck. She was wearing the school skirt this time but still wore a pair of black trousers underneath it. Her jumper was much smoother this time around, but Peter could still see that it was covered in wrinkles, implying that she tried using her hands to smoothen it out.

Laura must have caught his scent before he saw her since she was looking in his direction. Peter took in a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for what was to come. The memory of their 'argument' was still fresh on their minds. To be fair, it wasn't much of an argument, just a few insults and some misplaced words.

"Hey." Peter awkwardly greeted the raven-haired girl as he approached her.

"Hey." she greeted back, her eyes trying to avoid his gaze by focusing on a very interesting pebble on the floor.

The two stood there in uneasy silence as students flooded into the school. Some were discussing what they would wear for Halloween, despite being over a month away.

After a few more minutes of unbearable silence, Peter decided that he should be the one to begin. "Look, about what I said last night--" Peter couldn't finish his sentence as he felt Laura place her finger on his mouth. When he looked down at her, he was greeted by quite the sight.

The shorter girl still couldn't make eye contact with him, choosing to now count the number of students entering the gate. She was blushing so intensely that you could mistake it for face paint.

It was... cute.

"I-it's okay." Laura stuttered, struggling to find her words. 'Why is this so difficult?' she questioned herself.

"Y-you obviously d-didn't mean what you said a-and I shouldn't have made fun of you for being surprised by w-what Logan had said. I should be the one apologising."

Chibi Spidey: Since when was she this cute?!?!

Chibi Spidey passes out, blush marks on his mask and blood spewing out of his nose.

Chibi Peter, also blushing: Why? We could've just apologised and would've been done with this. Now I can't even think of what to say!

Devil Spidey, arms folded and trying to stop his own blush: S-shut up, idiots. I-it's not a big deal."

Back in reality, it was Peter's turn to be a stuttering mess, his brain incapable of processing what he was seeing. No one would believe him if he said that the blushing mess in front of him had the capability of murdering everyone in the school building and escaping before any heroes reached the scene.

"I-It's okay. I said something that I shouldn't have and, well, I wouldn't have blamed you if, I don't know, stabbed me or something. I think you would've been pretty justified in doing so at that time."

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