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Spider-man Narrating/Breaking the 4th Wall
Not all people are born equal. We try to make it seem the other way. We try to teach each other that, but it isn't the case. Especially during these times.

My name is Peter Parker, and I drew the short straw. I live in a world where 80% of the population has an ability known as a quirk.

Quirks can range from being utterly useless, (like having pink blood) to making one a god (like Thor, the Thunder Hero). But no matter how weak or powerful a quirk is, that alone can decide our fate.

This is how people judge one another. Hero, Villain or Useless. All that from nothing other then quirks. I learned that the hard way when I found out I was quirkless. The quirkless make up, umm... 98% of the useless spectrum.

The cherry on top? My parents soon after died in a plane crash. That was a real punch to the gut.

Fortunately for me, my father's brother (my Uncle Ben) and his wife (my Aunt May) were more than happy to take me in. Only bad news, they lived in Japan, I live in New York.

It was actually really easy for me to adapt to my new life. I learned Japanese rather quickly, and my Aunt and Uncle's support really helped me move on from my parent's death.

My Aunt was kind, supportive and an excellent cook. Ben always had something wise to say or helpful advice to offer. I don't know where I would be without them.

Uncle Ben thought me so much. He got me into science which I excelled at. He also thought me just how pointless quirks are, and how corrupt our society was for believing so.

It is illegal for someone to use their quirk in public, no matter the reason. Only Pro Heroes are allowed to use their quirk in public and to become a hero, one requires a Hero Licence.

Breaking this rule makes one a villain in the eyes of the law and society. It doesn't matter what good you do. Not very fair, I know.

I wanted to spread my Uncle's wisdom with the world, but no one would listen to some quirkless Joe Shmo.

So I figured if I became a famous scientist people would at least consider what I was saying.

At least, that was the plan... until the Spider bit me.

Toga's Diary

Today marks the ------- year anniversary of me escaping my previous life and my horrible parents so I can live life my way of normal. I'm so excited!

I don't know what to do though. Maybe I should s̶t̶e̶a̶l borrow the body of a cute birthday kid. That might be fun.

But... something has been bothering me lately. I can't stop thinking about the good times. I don't have many, but the few that I did have... every time I think back to them. I get an empty feeling inside.

During those times, I actually felt normal. Like I wasn't pretending to be perfect like my parents wanted.

Well, what can I do about it?

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