This Ends Now.

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Spider-man Narrating/Breaking the 4th Wall


"Fuck you! Fuck this system! Fuck my life!" Spider-man shouted as he avoided both fireballs and blasts of electricity. Once again he was stuck fighting a hero in the Top 3 and a flying villain. He seriously hoped that this wouldn't become a thing.

Luckily, he didn't have to deal with someone like Osborn this time around.

Endeavour was now situated on one of the buildings, not being able to sustain flight for long. Normally Spider-man would've used this as an opportunity to escape, but Electro was determined to defeat him.

"Just stand still!!" Electro cried, avoiding Endeavour's flames and firing his own attacks at Spider-man.

Spider-man meanwhile was stuck in the middle, unable to attack one without being turned into burnt toast by the other. His suit was torn, and his skin was burnt. The only reason he was still fighting was because of adrenaline and his healing factor.

Endeavour formed a spear of fire and threw it at Spider-man. It cut his web but Spider-man caught himself with another one.

'His reaction speed is impressive.' Endeavour thought, 'But I'm not going to let some small-fry villain best me!'

Endeavour blasted himself into the air, leaving the spot that he was just standing on as a crater with some bits of dribbling magma quickly cooling back into stone. He pulled his right arm back, engulfing the entire limb with his orange flames.

As he neared Spider-man he bellowed, "Vanishing Fist!"

This alerted Spider-man to the attack before even his Spidey Sense. Spider-man fired a line of webbing downwards and pulled himself down and away from the attack.

'He dodged the attack?! How?' Endeavour thought furiously. He then noticed that Electro was flying towards him. The villain had been planning on getting close with Spider-man, but he had built up too much momentum to avoid the Flame Hero.

'It's okay. I'll be able to subdue at least this villain. I'll then be able to focus on capturing the more important villain of the two.'

Endeavour's right hook connected with Electro's torso. A fist of fire blasted through Electro, burning him through his protective layer of electricity. Spider-man was forced to watch helplessly as Max was burnt alive by the torrent of flames.

When the attack ended, Electro was revealed to be unconscious. The blue and yellow electricity that surrounded his body seconds before was now gone, revealing his natural human skin. His body was littered with burns and his protective suit was torn to shreds.

Endeavour grabbed Max by his leg and landed on one of the rooftops. While he arranged a pickup with his agency. Spider-man snuck off away from the scene. He knew that if he didn't escape now then everything would go to hell. He didn't stand a chance against Endeavour and his sidekicks. Especially in this state. He was bleeding, he was burnt, and his ribs were cracked. He needed to get to Claire as soon as possible.

He quickly found a manhole cover that leads into the sewers. Peter turned around to look at where he knew Endevaour and Max were situated.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't do more for you, Max."

Chibi Spidey: I was honestly expecting this to last longer.

Devil Spidey: Four chapters are long enough.

Chibi Peter: Exactly. The author wishes to write to move on to other topics.

Peter uncovered the manhole, jumped into the sewer and used a line of webbing to cover the entrance behind him.

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