Quirkless Heroes Exist

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Spider-man Narrating/Breaking the 4th Wall

Life sucked, that much Peter knew. The chances of him surviving tonight were low. Why? Because he was meeting up with Wolverine and his life hung in the balance of Matt not making a joke about his not crush on Laura.

For some reason, Matt seemed to be more comfortable with Peter being friends with Wolverine's clone/daughter, rather than Himiko. Even after Peter explained things to him, Matt was insistent that she was a killer and needed to be taken in. Fortunately, whenever that happened, all Peter had to do was mention Elektra and that would shut him up for a while.

The duo parkoured across the Tokyo night sky towards their destination. While Matt was the more experienced out of the two Peter's supernatural abilities gave him an advantage.

If they ever reached a point that Matt couldn't jump across, Peter would use his webbing to pull him across. They were like a well-oiled machine. Even before Peter was bitten, they always supported each other. They made up for one another's weaknesses.

As they swung and the wind blew into their face, Peter knew they were nearing their location. He could tell because, with each swing, a terrible smell that recognized grew stronger.

His sense of smell was probably his weakest sent, but he could still smell quite far and pretty accurately. The smell that he was smelling was a terrible combination of forest, wolf, dried blood and sweat. That smell belonged to the Uncanny Wolverine. Spidey honestly felt bad for Daredevil, seeing his face scrunch up from the corner of his eye.

One saving grace was the second smell that he was picking up. Like her father, Laura's scent was that of a wolf and dried blood. However, she lacked the smell of sweat and forests. In its place was the smell of roses and a laboratory. Seeing as her smell was more pleasant, Spidey chose to focus on that one.

Eventually, they reached their agreed location, a rooftop near the hotel that the two foreigners were staying at. Logan wasn't wearing his costume/uniform, sticking to casual wear with a leather jacket.

Laura matched her father's clothes if only a little darker. Spider-man and Daredevil landed in front of the daughter and daughter duo, with the former quipping, "You could've told us it was Casual Friday. Now I feel overdressed.

The two X-men rolled their eyes, while Daredevil just smirked in amusement.

"This isn't the time for your jokes kid. We are here to discuss a very serious matter." Wolverine grumbled.

Daredevil chimed in and said, "Trust me, while he may not act like it, Spider-man takes every situation very seriously."

Spider-man put on a more serious tone and said, "Especially with all the questions that we have. For example, what did you mean by there being others that got their powers without a quirk? Just how many heroes are secretly quirkless."

Logan rubbed his chin in thought, thinking carefully about what he was going to say. "You know the Avengers?"


"What about the X-men?"


"And the Fantastic Four?"

"I'm a big fan of Reed Richard's work in science."

"Well, all of their members were born without a quirk."

Chibi Spidey: Mind blown!!

Insert cartoonish explosion.

Devil Spidey, coughing and waving the smoke away: Wwwhhhhyyyyy???"

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