Us Vigilantes

394 11 3

Spider-Man Narrating/Breaking the 4th Wall


Tamao Oguro sighed as she put her guitar down. She wasn't in the mood to get up but neither was her father and someone had to open the door for whoever was ringing the bell. She sighed as she walked down the hall of her home. She passed the open living room, in which her father was watching TV in the dark as usual. His crutch was propped against his armchair and his busted leg was supported with a cushioned stool.

She still found it hard to believe that her old man was once a Pro Hero.

When she reached the front door, whoever was on the other side had stopped ringing the bell. A part of her hoped that they had left. When she opened the door, she expected more police officers or maybe a Pro Hero. She didn't expect a lawyer.

"Mr Murdock. I wasn't expecting a visit from you, especially so early in the morning." And it was early. The sun wasn't even out yet. She was only up because she had a nightmare about those damn bees and she wasn't sure if her father even slept at all. 

"I'm sorry about that. Some developments recently came to my attention and I must speak to your father. Don't worry, he's not in any trouble, yet. Oh, and I heard about what happened to Soga. You were close to him and his friends, I'm sorry for your loss."

Tamao's hitched for a moment. When she heard about what happened she cried. Her Dad tried to comfort her but the news was affecting him even worse than her.

Quickly pulling herself together, she answered, "At first he was just some babysitter that my Dad left with me in the hospital while he did whatever work he had to do. We bonded over our mutual dislike of him. I can't believe that he's just gone. Is this about his murder?" 

Matt chewed the inside of his cheek before replying, "Partially. May I come in?"

Tamao nodded and stepped to the side. She immediately realised her mistake and stammered, "Of course. Do you remember where the living room is?"

Matt entered the home and said, "So long as the furniture hasn't been moved, yes."

In reality, Matt didn't need to remember where anything was. He could smell the sad bastard from a mile away. He didn't expect retirement to affect him that badly.

Rhythmically tapping his cane, Matt followed Tamao through the hall. He had been in this home a few times in the past, whenever Iwao Oguro needed some legal, or illegal, help back in the day, Matt would help. The man may be somewhat unstable but he knew what he was doing and he did the right thing.

When they reached the living room, Tamao flipped the light switch and drowned out the darkness. "Hey, Dad. You've got a guest," she said. She didn't sound bitter, but she also didn't sound happy about talking to her father, but Matt knew she loved him. All Iwao had to do was clean himself up a little.

The scarred man turned away from the TV, and a massive grin appeared on his face the moment his eyes laid on Matt.  Matt got the feeling that he was smiling for completely different reasons than why he should.

"Matthew! It's good to see you, old friend." the man declared, waving an empty can of beer in his hand.

Matt grinned and replied, "I wish I could say the same." the grin faded, "We have some serious business to discuss."

Matt turned to Tamao and said, "You don't need to worry about refreshments or anything like that. I'll only be here for a short while."

Tamao nodded an "Ok" and left the room, leaving the two men alone. She understood that what Matt said was code for, "Leave us alone."

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