Bri (Taken)

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Name: Bri


Personality: Bri has no manners or boundaries. He runs wild and rampant and takes whatever he decides he needs. He has little to no morales and isn't very educated. Do to a traumatic event that happened in his past, Bri is very weary of sharp objects, guns, and most of all humans. Only if he can scent animal on you or in you(nekos, kitsunes, inus) will he even think to approach you. One of the sure way to gain his trust is food--feed him and he's happy. Bri is very nosy and likes to snoop through anything he deems interesting with no quarrels of whether or not he should. Anything he likes, he steals. He is very undisciplined. But, once he's sleepy and out of hyper, wild energy, he likes to cuddle and sleep along side a trusted companion.

Apperance: Redish, brown hair that's long and shaggy as he wont let anyone cut it. Due to being malnourished as a child, Bri's body had to take priorities, so growing tall and broad was not one of those. Bri is small inheight, 5'0 and thin in frame, but he has muscles from living in the wild. Jagged scars also decorate his body.

Ability: Communication with animals.

Sexual Orientarion: (Doesn't know)

Bri wandered away from his family when he was three and got lost in the woods surromding his house. After months of searching through he thick woodlands, everyone gave up hope of finding the little boy. Bri was found by a pack of wolves and adopted into the pack, raised by them. He stated with them for years, and when he was about sixteen, Mavrick found him and brought him in. Times were rough at first, but Mavrick gained Bri's trust and taught him how to speak, but..manners were a differnt sort-clothing also remained optional.

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