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Name: Marget

Age: 22

Personality: Margret is very superficial and very very mature especially for a sorority girl. She likes to be in charge and delegate jobs to people younger or more timid than her. She's not afraid to speak her mind or to get her hands dirty. Margret will do whatever it takes to get something done if it needs to be.

Apperance: Margret is a red head. Her hair is bright red to match her fiery personality. Her eyes are a forest green and stand out agasint her poreline pale skin. The only time her skin isn't white is when it's red from either embarrassment, or a sunburn. She's rather tall 5'9 and rather thing--she wants to be a model and has a rather good shot.

Ability: Speak and understand any language.

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Margret had a very simple life. She was given most everything that she wanted and her parents were very supportive. They hadn't throught anything of her being able to understand their forgien neighbors, thinking that she was just very talented in learning a language. But, as she grew up, Margret began to realize that it was more than just learning--she could do something no other human being could.

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