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Name: Victoria 

Age: 14

Personalility: She's a child and milks it for all its worth.  She has the big puppy eyes and uses them to appear as cute an innocent.  She speaks in a baby voice and seems to get easily upset.  She has to be coddled and comforted.  But like a child, she has attitude problems and times when she's tired or upset.  That's when she becomes dangerous and unpredictable.  She will scream and throw a fit and...control.   She knows she has a gift and is perfectly comfortable using it.

Appearance: Victoria is small and childlike--only about 4'8. She hasn't grown, yet, and no one is really sure if she will. She has long red hair that is rather wavy and bright blue eyes.

Ability: Mind control

Sexual Orientarion: Doesn't know.

Likes: stuffed animals, candy, cuddles, and presents

Dislikes: vegetables, homework, and getting in trouble

Her past isn't really known. She doesn't have much memory of it, and all Mavrick can say is that he found her in the city, dity and starving. Victoria has no trouble with using her gift--it isn't strong, but she will use it for the most trivial things just because she can

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