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Name: Kasi

Age: 18

Personality: Kasi is very, very particular.  He likes to have things his way all the time.  Everywhere he goes, he will move or adjust everything until it is exactly how he wants it.  He's very technical and will correct people on the smallest of things.  In fact, he's a bit of a know-it-all even if he isn't an expert on the subject. Everyone always spells his name wrong and it infuriates him to no end.   If something doesn't sound correct, then Kasi will think that it is wrong--even with opinions.  What Kasi says is fact and it doesn't matter if he's wrong or not.

Apperance: Very simple.  Brown hair, brown eyes that look almost red, moderate height, moderate build.  Although, Kasi is always properly groomed and pressed.  He will freak out if his clothes are rumbled and his hair is tousled--he's not fun in mornings.

Ability: Understand and speak any language (unconsciously)

Sexual Orientation: Open to...or agaisnt everybody.

Kasey wasn't aware of his gift until later in his life.  People would always ask him, "You speak (insert random language here)?" And of course, not knowing that he could, Kasi would answer no and there is no arguing with Kasi.  He assumed that everybody everywhere was pulling his leg and just playing one big gaint joke on him.  It wasn't until a friend recorded him speaking that Kasi finally started to accpet the idea and try to find people like him.

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