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Name: Issac

Age: 16 

Personality: Issac is a sweet little boy most of the time.  He usually has a big grin on his face and is almost always bouncing off the walls--in his own home.  Around strangers, he seems to be reserved and keeps his head down low to avoid eye contact and try not to be seen which is hard to do since he is so tall.  Issac is just very emotional.  He feels a lot to put it simply.  He can empathize with people easily.  He can get discouraged easily, too, if he doesn't pick up on something quick enough.  Which can be bad since his ability is closer matched with his emotions.  So, he does try his best to stay happy and positive.

Appearance: Issac is a little on the talk side 6'0, but doesn't really seem it since he does his best not to be seen. His hair has been dyed blue while his eyes are a blueish purple color. His hair usually lays flat on his head, but the wind moves it around to 'style' it different

Ability: Telekinesis

Sexual Orientation: Pan

Once temeper-tantrum was enough to get Issac thrown from his house when he was a little kid. Issac only remembers things flying around while he was sobbing and screaming and then he was kicked out onto the street. Luckily, he as picked up by police and then put inot the system, going from home to home in foster care. His last stop was with Mavrick where he stayed and was taught to control his gift.

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