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Name: Drew

Age: 19

Personality: Drew is the definition of a girl.  She loves frills and dresses, pink and purple.  Her hair is the most I protect thing to her, and her make up is always perfect.  Drew will not lift a finger to help herself, wanting to be a damsel that has to be saved by her prince.  Anything that could get her dirty or be considered a 'man's' job, she will avoid it.  However, despite wanting to seek like a reserved, proper woman of the 18th century, she is very bubbly.  A lot of things get her excited or squealing.  Also, despite her wanting to be the perfect woman--she is stubborn.  When she had an idea or a plan, she will try and fight not to diverge from it.

Appearance: Drew has natural tanned skin, so she doesn't really worry about sunburns or tans in the summer. Her brown hair is straight, but she'd much rather it be curly, so she wears it up or curls it most days. Her eyes are a big and bright green. Drew is short and curvy with rounded hips and nice sized breasts that she very proudly displays with low cut tops

Ability: Telepathy

Sexual Oreitarion: Straight

Likes: make-up, dresses, hair products, and manicures.

Dislikes: dirt, being dirty, hard-work, and sweating

Because she could read minds from such a young age, Drew knew evry thought people had about her. Mostly, thoughts centered around her name. Its not a girls name, and that is the first thing to go through people's heads when she introduces herself. That is why she made herself look as girly as possible. She won't do anything outside of her gender-role no matter what. She feels that she had to prove to people that she is a girl, and elminate the thought in their heads that Drew can't be a girls name

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